motivation Running

Running Against the Wind

Yesterday, Autumn made it clear it was here to stay. There was a dusting of snow on the ground and the wind was stiff. Bob Segar’s, Against the Wind came to mind. For the first time this season, I didn’t run in shorts. My legs thanked me. I searched for a pair of running gloves and a warm hat.

Depending on the direction I ran, the wind made me cold. I was glad for the gloves, warm hat, and jacket. It made things doable. When my back to the wind, I was tempted to think I didn’t need any of the warmer clothing. It was easy to think it was all overkill. But a sudden gust or change in direction soon proved me wrong.

My reward was the last few bursts of autumn color, and a cup of hot coffee and breakfast when I was done. Getting the courage to go out can be a challenge, but I am always glad I did.

Photo of read, autumn leaves
Photo of red autumn leaves © 2021 Kevin Spear

When we face any venture, we will have resistance like the wind. Yesterday’s run reminded me of the following:

  • Be prepared
    • The wind doesn’t care if you’re prepared of not. It will just blow
    • Being unprepared prevents me from enjoying myself
    • Being prepared helps me enjoy new experiences
  • Cursing the wind doesn’t make it go away
  • Giving up when there’s resistance prevents me of something better
  • There is always something beautfiul along the way

When you’re facing resistance, be prepared, face it, and enjoy the experience on the other side. It’s worth it!


Do You Wish to Rise?

Today, November 13, is the birthday of Augustine of Hippo. As best as we can tell, he was born 1667 years ago today. I admire his devotion and his habit of writing copiously. But one of his quotes has me reflective today.

“Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.”

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Humility isn’t something we typically associate with leaders. After all, doesn’t it take a big man or woman to get anything done? Shouldn’t the spoils go to the victor? And isn’t the victor someone with a lot of chutzpah, ego, and audaciousness?

Yet we have seen many victors that have been brought down by hubris. If there isn’t a foundation of humility when a leader faces trouble, the foundation crumbles. A foundation of humility is crucial for sustained success.

Humility allows you to

  • Be willing to learn and change before success turns to decline
  • Lend a helping hand
    • You never know who may return the favor
    • It reminds you of what is truly important
    • Goodwill is the best public relations
  • Consider alternatives to “the way we’ve always done it”
  • Take criticism in a positive way
  • Listen when the temptation is to defend and attack
  • Allow others to come aside as co-leaders and team members
  • Keeps a temper from exploding and causing collateral damage

A foundation of humility pays big dividends. It is so hard to practice when success comes. Yet, it is better to humble yourself than have others do it for you.


Keep a Dream Alive!

Dreams are important. They are crucial to change. I was thumbing through my notebooks and found this quote from 2012. I don’t see anywhere online where this Zig Ziglar quote is attributed, but it sounds like something he would say.

The reason the Israelites wandered forty years in the wilderness because they lost their dream.

Zig Ziglar

What a powerful quote! If you don’t know the story of the Israelites’ forty-year detour, it began when twelve spies venture out to assess the land they were about to conquer. Ten came back with a report that the land was fertile, but the occupants were too much to conquer.

Two spies reported with God’s help, they could conquer the land. The people listened to the ten spies with a negative report instead of the two that had faith. As a result, It took another forty years before they could return and conquer the land.

God gave Moses the dream and he cast that dream to the people. They thought they were ready until they faced opposition. As a result, it took forty more years of vision casting before the people were ready.

It reminded me of a dream I had six years ago that ended badly. When that happens, the temptation is to give up, lick my wounds, and coast. But a life without a dream is like being in a barren, dry wilderness. The wrong lesson is to learn to be comfortable in the wilderness

Yes, keep a dream alive!

Keep dreaming! Maybe the last couple of years have been hard on you too. Resist the temptation to just live in comfortable discomfort. If a dream ended badly, consider how that dream can be modified. Or dream a new dream! There is reason to keep hope alive and move forward.

Attitude Bible Proverbs

A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath

It can be frustrating when things aren’t going your way. Someone isn’t meeting a deadline. That stupid supply chain is ruining your sales! Why can’t that kid do what I ask when I asked him? There are plenty of situations to get frustrated about.

Each time the frustration builds, we have an opportunity to make things better or worse. You can raise your voice and invoke fear to get things done, and it may work in the short-term. But what does that do in the long-term? Fear-based leadership is no leadership at all.

And what happens if it doesn’t make things happen, but the angry words just accelerate between you and the other party? Fear-based leadership become less effective when the other party is no longer afraid—even angrier than you. Then you end up with bigger problems.

There are plenty of reasons to get frustrated and lash out. But Proverbs 15:1 reminds me how we reply makes all the difference.

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Proverbs 15:1 (KJV)

The last two years have been frustrating for everyone. There is no shortage of stories on people behaving badly because of frustrations. We don’t know what a person could be going through or what they’ve lost recently.

When tensions are high, we have an opportunity to make things better or worse by our reply. A soft answer could make all the difference in your day and mine!


Leading With Integrity

We all admire someone who leads with integrity. We admire the whistleblower who risks their reputation to make the truth known. We like to believe we support a company with strong values that align with ours. We want to work with someone we know we can trust. Of course, that means we need to be that person too.

Leading with integrity is a practical trait in many circumstances. This article in Inc. Magazine reminds me of one of Warren Buffett’s famous quotes:

“Lose money for the firm, and I will be understanding.
Lose a shred of reputation for the firm, and I will be ruthless.”

Warren Buffett

A good reputation comes with living a life of integrity. It is humbling to think that a moment of dishonesty can ruin one’s reputation. Lead with integrity! Be on the guard for temptation that causes you to consider sacrificing it. That moment of indiscretion may do more to your ruin your life than you could ever imagine.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

Warren Buffett