
Driving and Prayer

My wife and I have just finished a drive across the country. We saw plenty of speeders and aggressive drivers. It was enough to make you utter a prayer of thanks when we arrived in our driveway.

We take a lot of factors for granted when we hit the highway.

  • We depend on the vehicle we are driving
  • We rely on a highway in good repair
  • We hope and pray the other drivers are competent and able to safely operate their vehicles (despite evidence to the contrary)

We are less in control than we would like to admit. I am thankful we made it back and that our prayers were answered. I am also thankful there is another day to practice some safe, assertive driving.

As we venture out, let’s try to be the answer to someone’s prayer, instead of the reason someone has, out of fear, urgently stepped up their prayer life!

Cartoon of father and son in car

Is it Edifying?

Is it edifying? You might say, “edi- what?” It’s not a word we hear very often. My mother used it all the time when I was a child. I would be watching some goofy TV show. She would come up to me and ask, “Is this edifying?” I had no idea what she meant, but I suspected she didn’t think Gilligan’s Island fit within the edifying category.

According to Merriam Webster, here’s the definition of edifying:

Edifying: Instructive or informative in a way that improves the mind or character.

edifying,” Dictionary, Accessed 8/24/2020.

In today’s climate, we’re needing something edifying more than ever.

  • We need something that uplifts
  • We need something that inspires
  • We need something that leaves us better than when we consumed it

Once I knew what edifying meant, I was annoyed at Mom’s question. I would think that wasn’t the point of entertainment. I just wanted to laugh at some slapstick idiocy, for crying out loud!

But now I see we need some edification. Too many people are hurting each other. We all need to learn how to endure when our situation is less than ideal. We each need to be reminded how to be kind and love in the face of fear and anger. It’s time for some edification, some inspiration, and yes, perhaps like the pastor in the cartoon, we can add some caffeination while we’re at it!

Cartoon of a pastor at a pulpit with a coffee maker. He says, "Today's sermon will be fully edifying, inspirational and caffeinated."
Published in the August, 2020 CHOGNews

I drew this for the August 2020 CHOGNews.

Attitude motivation

A Glad Heart Makes a Big Difference

A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit. 

Proverbs 15:13 NLT

Today, it may be easy for you to think of something that makes you glad. If so, take the time to consider it and feel the smile on your face return. If nothing else, hanging around, creative, silly kids will help. It will make a big difference to yourself and those around you.

Or today, you may be going through a tough time. Depending on your situation, it may be good to remind yourself that there are aspects of your life that make you glad. It could be your family, friends or work that brings you satisfaction.

But if your heart is broken today, I realize none of this will help. It takes time for a broken heart to heal. Give yourself grace and time to mourn. You will get through this eventually. When you hold on, you will find reasons to make your heart glad once again.

motivation Quotes

Leading an Excellent Life

“One cannot lead a life that is truly excellent without feeling that one belongs to something greater and more permanent than oneself.”

MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI in Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Daniel Pink’s book, Drive, reminded me that all of us long for something more permanent and eternal. We know we are limited by our abilities and age. We can delude ourselves into thinking we are immortal, but deep down, we know we aren’t. If anything good can come from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that all of us are forced to face our mortality. This disease may not take us down. But sooner or later, something will.

Who or what do you belong to? Is it a firm foundation that will carry you through difficulties? Is it something that will last long after you are gone? Is it something that gives you hope and a future when everything else crumbles around you?

Businesses and organizations have life cycles just like people. Governments will rise and fall. The latest fad and fashion will look so dated in a few years. Where you put your faith will determine if and how you can lead a life of excellence.

Encouragement History

Making the Best of Today and Archiving for the Future

I love it when an article has a positive spin on some of the challenges we’ve all faced in 2020. 

Back in April, this story commented on what one organization is doing during the crisis. It states that The Indiana Historical Society is asking Hoosiers to contribute to telling the story of COVID-19.

This is important because right now, we are all just trying to endure during this ordeal. One day, this will be behind us, and it will be a distant memory, much like The 1918, Spanish Flu Pandemic is for us today. Nobody thought much about it until we had this new pandemic to deal with.

Collectively, our memory can be short, especially when it comes to unpleasant events. Processing what we are going through can help us to make the best of today and remind us in the future how we got through this. And yes, we will get through this! Keep the faith and have the wherewithal to notice and archive what is going on today. If you live in Indiana, you may want to contribute to the archive at the Indiana Historical Society.