Attitude Purpose

Running in the rain makes you resilient… or crazy 

Nighttime photo of the Greenville, Ohio traffic circle.Just after I took this photo, the rain came down. I knew it was coming. The weather app warned me. But I was happy. I was hoping to make it to this point before the shower. Thankfully, the lightning didn’t show up until I was nearly done. By the time I finished I was drenched.

In the past, a dear family member or two would call me crazy for running in inclement weather. Friends usually say nothing but give me that look as if I had sniffed too much rubber cement in my early graphic design days.


Took a risk, no regrets

Last year, my wife and I took one of the biggest risks of our lives. We moved away from everything and everyone we knew to do what we were called to do. I resigned from a steady job where I had a recent promotion to join my wife in this new adventure. Like the legend of Hérnando Cortéz, we burned our ships didn’t look back and headed for Arizona.

It didn’t work out the way we had hoped. I thought I could immediately land a new job right away. It took eight months. My father-in-law was gravely ill and eventually passed away. This caused us to make many trips back to the Midwest. A five-year commitment was cut to one year.

Yet, we have no regrets. In fact, I am glad we took a risk. It taught me a few things I never expected. 


A Trip Down Hope Lane

Street sign for Hope Lane in Palm Beach Gardens, FloridaOn this morning’s run, I came across this sign. It is the third time I took this route in a week. Yet, I didn’t notice the sign until this morning. 

How many times do we go through situations without realizing hope is right there. Zig Ziglar liked to quote John Maxwell and say, “If there is hope in the future, there is power in the present.” It is true that we need hope in order to keep moving forward. It is a sad person who is trying to trudge forward without noticing hope is before him.

We all need a trip down Hope Lane. None of us really know the future. We can embrace it and acknowledge doomsayers aren’t always right and we can do something today that gives hope to the future.


We All Need a Moving Day

photo of moving boxesWe get to move once again today. It will be the fifth place in just over a year. Do you want proof?

  1. For nine years, we owned a nice house in Pendleton, Indiana. Then my wife was called to serve a Scottsdale, Arizona church.
  2. July 2015:We moved to an Arizona condo.
  3. December 2015: because seasonal rates tripled rent, moved to an apartment.
  4. July 2016: my wife was caked to an Ohio church, so we’ve stayed with my wife’s mom.
  5. August 2016: We are moving with her to a new house.

We all need a moving day. I came to that conclusion when we were selling all our stuff to go to Arizona. 

Attitude Motivation Cartoons

When Life Pitches you a Curveball

sketch of a baseball doing a lool de loop 

I didn’t expect to be in Ohio/Indiana until Christmas day. But life throws you a few curveballs throughout the innings we call decades. There’s a few too many metaphors in that last sentence, isn’t there? I’m not even a rabid baseball fan (However, I did love the way this year’s World Series ended. Good job, Royals!). 

Last Friday, we thought we were going to lose a loved one. Today, things have improved greatly for him. It has made this Thanksgiving so much more meaningful. However, we have also been reminded that time is finite and we can’t take every day for granted.

Through the last several months, I’ve learned there are a few ways to cope when life throws you a curveball.

  • Be flexible: we are far less in control than any of us would like to admit. Changes will happen that you can’t predict or plan for. When unexpected blessings or trials come, be flexible enough to move with the situation.
  • Count your blessings: No matter how dire things may seem, there is always something to be thankful for. Whether it’s family, the ability to move, or even another day to experience life, there is some reason to have gratitude.
  • Plan for what you CAN do: It is good to talk with loved ones about what to do in an emergency or a challenge. Have insurance. Think about what to do in a scanario. It is also good to have a winter coat waiting for you when you fly from Arziona to Ohio. Is that too specific? Choose your own scenario. 

We will all face some unexpected challenges. Through those situations, be an overcomer. Don’t let those curveballs strike you out! I’m rooting for you!