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Too Young, Too Old

I remember when it was the generation or two before me that said, “Just wait until you’re my age!” Now that I am that age, I still wonder what they were talking about.

Cartoon of older man and boy. The man says, "Just wait until you're my age and you forget what it's like to be your age!"
Adobe Illustrator Business Cartoons cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Making Lemonade

If life hands us lemons, we can get good at making lemonade. And if you start a lemonade stand, provide good customer service, right? That said, I have seen great customer service representatives take a trying situation and make the best of it. That can be tough when circumstances out of their control bring angry customers into their lives.

Cartoon of a boy at a lemonade stand and a girl.

Are you tired of making the best of a situation? I suppose we can try what Stephen Lyons suggested in the Chicago Tribune and suck on some misery. But beware of taking satire as gospel truth! One thing he makes clear in his commentary is if we think things are bad now, we could always find ways to make things worse. Conversely, the opposite must be true: we can always find ways to improve our situation.

Attitude cartoon motivation

Why change is so hard

There are very few of us that embrace change. We know that it makes people nervous and frustrated. Article after article affirms that. Yet if we’re honest, we will admit it is inevitable. Just why is change so hard?

Spear 3974

When I sketched this idea, I observed people about twenty years older than me resisting texting. Nine years later, many of that generation has accepted texting as just another form of communication. Time marches on!

Change is a deceptively difficult thing. We have no problem finding reasons that it is so. Even when everyone agrees changes need to be made, reform is hard. People may disagree on why and how the alterations need to be made. They may even disagree how much and how sweeping a change needs to be. It just isn’t an easy thing!

Adobe Photoshop animal cartoons cartoon gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Servant Leadership

We hear the term servant leadership batted around in all kinds of businesses. Investopedia has a thorough article on what it is, the pros and cons, and when it is effective.

When I originally drew this cartoon, I thought of how a dog is a willing companion and servant. Then I wondered how a cat would react to such behavior.

Cartoon of a dog and cat. The cat says, "My, my, my! You dogs excel at servant leadership."

This may be have been false advertising. My dog was definitely not much of a servant. In fact, there were some days, I swear I could get our cat to do more for the common good than our dog. Besides, if you had to put one of them in mortal combat, I’m sure the cat would have come out victorious.

cartoon family gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Cartoon: Act your Age

Whoever first gave the advice to act your age had no clue what they were talking about. I have seen mature seven-year-olds and immature seventy-year-olds. Who really sets up how someone should act at a certain age anyway?

Cartoon of an old man talking to a boy. The man says, "Anyone who tells you to act your age is a booger head!"

Generally, when someone gives this advice, they are telling the person to stop acting silly. Either that or a person is failing to take responsibility for their actions. There is a big difference between being childish and childlike.

Childishness and Responsibility

When I worked for an Arizona call center, I found it remarkable when young women would complain that their boyfriends or husbands were home all day playing video games while they worked. I believe that sort of immaturity has to be addressed with tough love. Any able-bodied person should work in whatever way they are able to.

That said, I knew how it felt to look for work and not find something that complimented my abilities. Here I was a guy with a graduate degree and working in a call center. Before that, I had worked at a grocery to pay bills while I looked for something that aligned with my skills.

I knew the responsible thing to do was work in some way while I found something better. Every adult can do something while they work to improve their situation. Video games and surfing the web do not count.

On the contrary, workers can be quite immature too. This article on bad habits that make you look immature at work is helpful. Gossiping and being unhelpful are two key bad qualities. Let’s be professional when we’re on the job!

Childish vs. Childlike

To be creative, we need to be childlike. A sense of wonder combined with playfulness and a willingness to look at things differently is essential. We all need to be a little childlike to embrace change and encourage innovation.

Also, to have fun, we need to be a little childlike. The best times on vacation is when adults let go with their kids and have a blast. That is why the commercials when kids are acting like adults while the parents are being silly are so effective.

This Advice can be quite subjective. I have often wondered if I’ve given the correct advice to my kids. What is the correct advice anyway? Yelling “Boogerhead!” and running away rarely works. How would I know? Don’t ask.

Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.