Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop animal cartoons cartoon gag cartoon Illustration Friday single panel cartoon webcomic

Resolutions and Risks

Cartoon of a lamb and wolf. The sheep says, “€œThis year, I resolve to stay away from unnecessary risks.”

When I heard Illustration Friday’s word was “resolutions” this week, I thought of this cartoon I did in 2002. It’s funny for me because I had been laid off at the time, I had just gotten a new job, and everything seemed like a risk. I’m glad I can look back on things and see how there was a plan and everything worked out!

Adobe Illustrator cartoon Christmas gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Christmas Joy Ride

Cartoon of Santa Claus and elves in a sleigh. The caption says, Thanks to a joy ride, Christmas was nearly canceled.

Be sure you keep your sleigh locked and secure this Christmas!

Adobe Illustrator animal cartoons cartoon Christmas gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Christmas Faux Pas

Cartoon of two penguins. One wears a Santa cap. The other says, “Oh please! This is the South Pole! Your outfit is so North Pole.”

It has to be a holiday fashion faux pas to wear a Santa cap at the South Pole. After all, it’s summer there and it’s daylight all the live long day. It’s practically above zero!

Merry Christmas!

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons children's ministry cartoons Christmas church cartoons gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Lights Please

Cartoon of a boy dressed as a shepherd. The boy says, “Augh! Why is it every year, in every live nativity, I have to play Linus?”

I love “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” It’s the kind of classic that never goes out of style. I drew this for K! Magazine in their Christmas Issue. We own the copyright.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children's ministry cartoons Christmas gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Constructive Planning

Cartoon of a children’s pastor and an administrative assistant. The children’s pastor says, “Christmas is coming. Be sure we’re stocked up on red and green construction paper.”

I drew this for the December issue of K! Magazine. I hope you are stocked up on your red and green supplies!