"Pen and Ink" Adobe Photoshop children cartoons School Cartoons

Illustration Friday: Brave

Illustration Friday: BraveThis week’s word for Illustration Friday is “Brave.”

children cartoons New Riders Internet Yellow Pages webcomic

Cartoon: Hamsters and the Media

Cartoon of two girls and a hamster.

Cartoon of  two girls looking at a hamster. One girl says, “This is my new hamster. She’s so neat, I notified all the news networks, Internet news sites and Grandma!”

children cartoons School Cartoons webcomic

Comic: Cat Backpack

Cartoon of a boy with a cat on his back. Boy says, “I grabbed him in the dark. I thought he was my backpack.”

Cases of mistaken identity can happen all the time when it’s dark and the middle of winter. I just checked and I am happy to say I wore the same color socks today.

If you ever catch me with a weird combination of socks or a cat on my back, I’ll just say it is a fashion statement. I would advise you to do the same.

I drew this in Adobe Photoshop.

children cartoons Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday-Wilderness

Illustration Friday-Wilderness, originally uploaded by speartoons.

This is my sketch for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “;wilderness” Whenever I think of wilderness, I envision the old Hanna Barbera, Yogi Bear cartoons. As a kid, I thought everyone was mean because they wouldn’t feed the bears. This is how I would have liked those cartoons to turn out.

My idealism changed when we went on a vacation to the Smoky Mountains and I saw a bear charge a tourist. That settles it. It’s not a good idea to feed the bears.

I drew this in Adobe Photoshop

children cartoons computers Illustration Friday technology cartoons webcomic

Cartoon: Musical Tech

Spear-Cartoon_3560, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon of boy and dad at computer. Boy says, “You’re listening to classical music on the Internet? Doesn’t that violate some techie code of conduct?”

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2. It also is for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “music.”