Marketing Running

Two Days Until my First Marathon: responding and planning

Cat in a car, staring at the viewer. The caption says, "2 days until the marathon. Let's go!I went out for my last run before the marathon this morning. And who was there to greet me? Our cat got herself stuck in the car. As she stared at me, I imagined her trying to get in the car on the morning of the race. It’s going to be an early morning, and she will probably be the only person up beside me. She may be up for the trip, but I doubt I could have her go the whole 26.2.

After I let her out and I went on my run, I pondered how social media marketing requires two very different modes of behavior. Sometimes, you have to be like a cat. Other times, you need to plan like a long distance runner.

Marketing Running

3 Days Until My First Marathon: Marketing and Marathons

Cartoon of a runner on a hoverboard. He says, “What do you mean, ‘No hoverboards in the marathon?’”

In three days, I will run my first marathon on September 16, 2017. In the spring, I ran a half marathon and decided my body was up to the task of a full one. After all, I am not getting any younger and I thought it was better to try now instead of waiting until I would have to use a scooter or hoverboard.

As I have trained for this marathon, I have thought about how it applies to marketing. Both can be taxing and both take preparation. But there was one aspect that stood out to me.


4 Massive Marketing Trends You Should Be Following in 2017

Source: 4 Massive Marketing Trends You Should Be Following in 2017

This article by Shopify caught my eye. Hyperbolic title aside, it had some useful points.

Live video has become a powerful force. Before, churches couldn’t live stream their service without expensive equipment. Today, any church with a mobile-connected device can live stream a church service. Any size business can be their own broadcaster.

Ephemeral content is also a big deal. What better way to make content appear special and valuable? If you know a message will self-destruct, it suddenly becomes more valuable. You take note.

I encourage you to read the rest article. Don’t worry. It isn’t going to self-destruct any time soon.


Summer Break Worship

Cartoon of a boy celebrating. The caption says, "When summer break came, Mark couldn't help but worship."Cartoon of a boy celebrating. The caption says, “When summer break came, Mark couldn’t help but worship.

In the United states, the kids are itching for summer vacation. I remember how exuberant everyone felt at the end of the school year. It took about three days before the kids were bored and we were looking for something to do. It isn’t until you become adult do you realize quiet, boring times are a real gift. The trick is to live each day as the celebration it is.

Christianity Marketing

Why Churches Should Excel at Social Media

English: , located in .
English: , located in . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If there are any institutions that should excel at social media, it is the church across North America. Each one could be a potential publishing powerhouse because of several reasons: