Bible motivation

Ecclesiastes 3:1

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV)

On my run the other day, I listened to the song, Glory Days, by Bruce Springsteen. As the years go by, it becomes more ironic. It was on the album, Born in the USA. The song came out in 1985 when I was twenty years old. At the time, it felt like a fool’s errand to reminisce about the past at the expense of the present. Thirty-six years later, I can understand a little better where the song was coming from!

Yet, the wisdom of this verse still stands true. There is a season and a time for every purpose. I had a great college experience. But it would be unfortunate to stay there. It’s great to visit for homecoming. But who wants an old guy staying around campus because he just can’t get the courage to leave?

I loved being a dad to two little kids. But today I have two great adult children. I would be foolish to wish they were younger and treat them as little kids. The early days were great. The present is even better, though it looks different.

It’s foolish to live in the past. It is equally foolish to live only in the future. Yes, the last eighteen months have been brutal for everyone. We have all heard people pining for the future when everything will be back to normal. But what if the present has the opportunities that make your future possible? What if normal never was ideal? We are never guaranteed a future. We just have today.

There were good things about the past. And I believe the future also has promise. But we just have today. Whatever season you are in, live in the moment. It may be a challenging time. You may have problems I can’t imagine. Or you may find a few years from now, today is the day you will remember as the best of times. Say, that reminds me of another rock song!

Leadership motivation

The Power of Multiplication

I recently wrote an article for Church of God news on a California pastor’s effectiveness at developing leaders. It is good when someone takes a leadership role. It is even better when a person mentors others to be leaders as well.

This has got me thinking about how I can be more effective as a leader.

  • Who am I affecting?
  • Who am I training?
  • Does it need to be more formal and intentional?
  • Do I consider the impact of multiplication versus addition when it comes to leadership?

This pastor is making an impact in his community. I got a lot of great lessons from his example.

Blog Articles motivation

When things change, find a new melody

As I get older, it’s fun to see friends and peers reinventing themselves. Pivoting has been essential during the COVID-19 pandemic and many people have done just that. I wrote this article about two musicians that found their place during the pandemic.

I especially like one piece of advice Jay gave to musicians. It is something we can all benefit from.

Jay encourages [musicians] to plan, but be flexible. “It’s everybody’s motto these days. And it’s never been truer: live with open hands.”

Article: Jay and Amy Rouse Finds a New Melody

Our best-laid plans were upended in 2020. Everyone has had to find a way to live and work in an alternative way. Some of us have struggled while others have been able to make it work. Resilience and the willingness to change have made a big difference when it has felt like the world was falling apart.

Life rarely goes the way we hoped it would. There are happy surprises as well as unpleasant ones. The future is rarely as predictable as we would like to think it is. Even as there are signs of improvement in COVID vaccines and the economy, we will face some setbacks along the way.

Live with open hands. Find a new melody. Be flexible. It is great advice now and will be great advice in the near and distant future.

Christianity motivation

Two churches from two cultures make a huge impact

I had the pleasure of interviewing two pastors that are making a big impact in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

What impressed me about these two churches is how they work together. Cooperation is a big skill that pays big dividends. But it seems like our world attempts to keep us all from cooperating. Therefore, you don’t have to look far to find news about someone who refuses to work with others. Stalemates and quagmires seem to be preferable to getting anything done. It can feel like the world is in a hostile takeover.

However, progress and solutions require negotiations and compromise. It’s how teams are formed and do anything effective. As a result, it requires some trade-offs. The temptation, and the shortcut, is to surround ourselves with people who look like us, think like us and act like us. There is comfort in being around like-minded individuals. But the problem with that comfort is we tend to gravitate towards group think. Diversity is essential to get anything done.

Likewise, diversity and compromise essential in marriages. I am glad I didn’t marry someone who was just like me. I have learned much from my wife over the years. And I think she’s learned a thing or two from me.

Yes, two churches from different cultures can make a big impact. We can learn a thing or two from their example.


When is it time to quit?

Is it time to quit when things just seem too hard? Is it time to quit when everyone around us has given up? What about when all the reports and social media say it’s time to quit?

  • We love a good story where the hero doesn’t give up even when all seems lost.
  • We revel in the feel-good tale of a pet that is found when most thought the critter was no more.
  • Who doesn’t like to see someone who has overcome the odds?

There is always a chance that an effort is futile. We may not always get what we want. But those who refuse to quit will reap rewards even if the odds are against them and the battle is a foregone conclusion.

We can find a good cause and change the world for the better when we refuse to quit. But when we do it…

Resolve only reaps rewards when we treat others the way we want to be treated. That includes any perceived enemies.

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to give up. "Napoleon Hill