Exercise motivation productivity

Exercise is the key to a Productive Day

Richard Branson is known for his unconventional leadership. An article by Jeff Steen reveals his connection between exercise and productivity.


“The only reason I’m able to do all the things I do and to keep on top of a busy schedule without getting too stressed is because I stay fit.”

Richard Branson through a CNBC interview

It goes on to say that while exercise has many benefits, it also relieves stress and depression. I have to agree with the article. Exercise has been a part of my routine for twenty years. Between that and my spiritual practices, it has helped me stay active and productive through the good and challenging times. It has also helped me whenever I needed to get the creative juices going!

Our bodies were made to move. We don’t have to do marathons or Iron Man Competitions. You can start where you are. If you haven’t exercised for some time, a walk around the block is a good start.

Wherever you are, make exercise part of your daily routine. It has been a great benefit for me. And it can be for you as well.


The Desire to learn

There is always something to learn! It doesn’t stop once you graduate from school. If you had a tough time and had to leave formal education, it doesn’t mean you aren’t cut out to learn new things. It may just mean the education system wasn’t a good fit for your learning style.

Even if you graduated with honors, you didn’t learn it all. There is always something to learn. The world changes. New discoveries are made. You may be at a maturity level that allows you to learn what you weren’t prepared for previously.

“Always desire to learn something useful.”


If you are a parent, you know there is always something to learn about your child. Their personalities are unique. They grow and each new stage has new wonders and challenges to discover.

In the workplace, business changes before you have a chance to fully know what the last stage was. Just when you think you mastered an industry, new opportunities appear.

No matter how young or old you are, keep your desire to learn. There is no lack of material. You may be surprised to discover how fascinating a new subject or even an old one is today!


Faith Involves Risk

We don’t like to hear that. We would like to think that all we have to do is dream something and it will come to pass. If only that were true!

  • We could imagine a million dollars and poof! It would appear
  • Everyone could pool their thoughts for a better world and it would just happen
  • A person could see the perfect path for their life and everything would just fall into place without lifting a finger

If only that were so! But faith takes action. After all, faith without works is dead. Believing something will happen is only part of the equation. We must take action by faith to bring something to pass.

Faith involves risk. Faith also involves change. If we imagine a good possibility that doesn’t yet exist, we can expect that something will have to change in order to make it happen.

It can be a tall order. But faith can make the impossible possible. Who ever said that was going to be easy?

accountability motivation

Anything Goes… Until it Doesn’t

“A life in which anything goes will ultimately be a life in which nothing goes well.”

Maxwell, John C. Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 (Developing the Leader Series)(p. 34). HarperCollins Leadership. Kindle Edition.

We all have at least some autonomy to do whatever we want. We can…

  • Spend work goofing off because the boss is out today
  • Eat that full bag of chips… along with an entire pizza
  • Cheat on those financials because only you know the data
  • Lie about what happen since you were the only witness

Yes, we have the freedom to do what we want. And in an anything-goes-world, there is much more beyond my imagination that any of us could do.

But sooner or later, we will suffer the consequences of bad decisions.

  • The latest employee evaluation criticizes your lack of productivity
  • You suffer a health crisis because on your eating habits
  • The auditors are demanding the data because something is definately off
  • There is evidence that proves you lied

Anything goes is a poor strategy for going forward. We all need boundaries. We are accountable for our actions. John Maxwell had this quote concerning planning our daily-to-do list. It’s a reminder to me that even the decisions that may not appear to have large consequences can come back to affect us.

accountability motivation

Stop wasting your life!

How much time do we spend doing wasteful things? We all have time-wasting bad habits that can burn up our time in creative ways. Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Did that one episode turn into a binge-watching bonanza that lasted through the night?
  • Do you find yourself munching down on the Halloween candy that was meant for the trick-or-treaters?
  • How about that one Twitter thread that was a train wreck of ideas, but you just couldn’t stop scrolling?

I won’t say which ones are my bad habits. But lets face it, we all know how to wast time.  An article from Inc. Magazine got my attention. My big takeaway is to consider how much time per hour that bad habit is costing you. Could you be doing something more productive instead of that bad habit? Is it costing you more than you thought?

For the most part, that advice holds up. Unfortunately, I can scarf down candy like it is going out of style. Wait, did I just confess one of my bad habits?

We all need a few moments of diversion and we can’t be productive twenty-four seven. However, the tip from the article reminds me that time is precious and we need to consider what choices affect us in the long run.