children's ministry children's ministry cartoons Christianity Christianity Religion Cartoons

The Mysterious Span of Time

It’s hard for kids to experience how long the span of time really is. To them, history is anything that happened before they were born. And it is true, isn’t it? It’s just that they have a hard time imagining an older person’s history wasn’t in the time of Bible stories or dinosaurs. To them, the Gettysburg Address and the fall of the Roman Empire all happened in that little span of time we call history.

I remember my Mom saying, “Just you wait! One minute you’re ten years old. The next minute you’re thirty-five.” Of course I didn’t believe her. Now I am older than she was at the time. Yes, you blink and time speeds by. But that doesn’t mean I lived during the time of Shakespeare. He wasn’t a cousin and we didn’t hang out together.

Time happens fast, and it drags on. I remember wondering if I would ever make it out of second grade. It must have been quite a boring year for me. I am happy to announce I made it through and then some. And so did my kids. Where did all the time go?

Time is an enigma. Embrace it and make the best use of it. Yes, you can tell them you lived at a time before smartphones. And you can patiently tell them cars and electricity was invented way before you were born.

Do you have any stories of kids having humorous issues with the span of time? Leave a comment and let us know?

Cartoon of a boy and a grumpy, old man. The man says, "Yes, I know Jesus. No, I wasn't there when he began his ministry."
Previously Published in “Kidzmatter Magazine.”
pride Religion Cartoons

Whiteboard Presentation: Pride and Humility

White board drawing of a prideful person and a humble person
Copyright 2017 Kevin Spear

This morning, I got to illustrate a talk my wife was presenting to an elementary chapel on pride and humility. She did a great job talking about King Nebuchadnezzar and his fall due to pride.

Bible Bible Story Cartoons Christianity Exodus gag cartoon Religion Cartoons webcomic

Digitized Ten Commandments

Cartoon of Moses and the Ten Commandments

“And it would be great if I can get this as a spreadsheet or word processor file.”

Are things any better with the immediacy of technology? Maybe not. Maybe it’s a wash. Digital files are more convenient and instant, but they can be deleted or corrupted in an instant.

Then again, Moses the original Ten Commandments were written in stone and Moses smashed them to pieces because of the Israelite’s idol worship.

Christianity Religion Cartoons

Pastoral Thanks

Cartoon of a boy and a pastor. The boy says, “For Pastor Appreciation Month, I’m going to thank you thirty-one days in a row.”

I drew this for the October, 2011 edition of Church of God Newsletter .

Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon Religion Cartoons technology cartoons webcomic

Cloud Computing




Cartoon of to angels in a cloud. One says, “Just when I thought I got away from PC’s, along comes cloud computing.”

I drew this for The Church of God E-Newsletter. This month’s edition is here: