
Remembering a Friend

Yesterday, I received news from Facebook that a childhood pal passed away from COVID. So today, I am remembering a friend that was there for me even when I wasn’t such a great friend. If our lives were forever judged by our actions as teens, well heaven help all of us!

I was an awkward kid. He was there to invite me along to events like the Indiana State Fair. I tried to “be cool” when I got into graphic design and wanted to be with the “in crowd.” He didn’t care. When I came to my senses, he welcomed me back. He exhibited grace and generous friendship.

As I get older, this verse becomes all the more important to me:

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12 (KJV)

We don’t know what the next day will bring. We sure don’t know if we will have a tomorrow. So what matters today is that we live in the moment, have integrity, and consider how we want to be remembered when that day comes. My pal was a guy who did just that. Rest In Peace, dear friend. I’ll see you on the other side.

children's ministry children's ministry cartoons Christianity Christianity Religion Cartoons

The Mysterious Span of Time

It’s hard for kids to experience how long the span of time really is. To them, history is anything that happened before they were born. And it is true, isn’t it? It’s just that they have a hard time imagining an older person’s history wasn’t in the time of Bible stories or dinosaurs. To them, the Gettysburg Address and the fall of the Roman Empire all happened in that little span of time we call history.

I remember my Mom saying, “Just you wait! One minute you’re ten years old. The next minute you’re thirty-five.” Of course I didn’t believe her. Now I am older than she was at the time. Yes, you blink and time speeds by. But that doesn’t mean I lived during the time of Shakespeare. He wasn’t a cousin and we didn’t hang out together.

Time happens fast, and it drags on. I remember wondering if I would ever make it out of second grade. It must have been quite a boring year for me. I am happy to announce I made it through and then some. And so did my kids. Where did all the time go?

Time is an enigma. Embrace it and make the best use of it. Yes, you can tell them you lived at a time before smartphones. And you can patiently tell them cars and electricity was invented way before you were born.

Do you have any stories of kids having humorous issues with the span of time? Leave a comment and let us know?

Cartoon of a boy and a grumpy, old man. The man says, "Yes, I know Jesus. No, I wasn't there when he began his ministry."
Previously Published in “Kidzmatter Magazine.”
Just fun

Turning of the Seasons

King Solomon, in Ecclesiastes wrote, “There is a time and a season for everything.” The seasons are turning in Ohio and Indiana. And I am fine with that. 

Last year, we missed autumn because we were in Arizona. My wife and I tried to get used to drinking pumpkin spiced concoctions in one hundred degree heat. We never could quite get used to it. This autumn feels normal again. The frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder’s in the shock. (Thank you, James Whitcomb Riley)

What does all this mean on an autumn Saturday? Only that things change. Life changes continually, and I love it. Now, ask me again in a few months when the snow is falling, the temperature plummets and I start complaining about selling my snow blower!


Happy 18th Birthday to my daughter

Mariah birth announcementEighteen years ago, I drew a birth announcement. It was very risky since a cartoon version of a family member can come back to haunt you.
And that is exactly what happened last week! My mother-in-law printed some pictures to celebrate my daughter’s birthday. One of the prints was the birth announcement I drew to announce the big day. My daughter appeared amused. I had to clarify that no cartoon could ever be as cute as the real thing. To prove it, here is a photo of the two of us. We both looked much younger then than now!

Dad-Maria1996Heaven knows I’ve made my share of mistakes with my kids. Drawing cartoon versions of them is probably one of the least mistakes I’ve made. One of the worse mistakes was when I struggled between getting my freelance work done and spending time with my kids. As much as I loved illustrating for books and magazines,  it all seems to trivial now compared to the time I had with my them.

My dear daughter, you are now a young lady. You have brightened my world. And I have cherished every moment with you. Happy eighteenth birthday!


His whole life flashed before his screen

Cartoon of a man staring at a computer screen

We make all sorts of decisions each day. Throughout the day, I’m tempted to spend my time in front of a screen. Whether it’s a television, computer screen or a mobile phone, it can get so easy to get lost in a glowing rectangle.

Sometimes, I can justify it because I am working. Other times,  I wonder where the time went. That glowing rectangle can sure hypnotize me!

Then I remember my time is so limited on this planet. My kids have grown. Did I spend too much time in front of a screen when I should have been in front of them?

Time is short. Teach me to number my days, that I may gain a heart of wisdom.  Our time is short. Make sure most of it isn’t in front of a glowing rectangle!