church cartoons

Tribute to Church Sound Technicians

Cartoon of a speaker and a frazzled guy. The frazzled guy says, "You really have to to do something about the sound!"They are the people nobody notices until something is going wrong. When the back row can hear the speaker, everybody focuses up front. But when the sound is distorted. Indignant glares come from various audiences members towards the poor, embattled sound technician.

Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Difficult People: The Blamer | Sermon Sketch Notes

Sermon notes page 1, Difficult People Philippians 3
Copyright ©2017 Kevin Spear | Sermon Copyright Kyle Hayes
Sermon notes page 2 Difficult People Philippians 3
Copyright ©2017 Kevin Spear | Sermon Copyright Kyle Hayes

Yesterday’s sermon was courtesy of Kyle Hayes. My big takeaway was his discussion on Locus of Control. Naturally, if we believe things are out of our control we claim we are victims of circumstance. 


Going With the System Can Only Take You so Far

This Entrepreneur article may not be what the high achieving students want to read, but I’ve seen it in action.  

Why Valedictorians Rarely Become Rich and Famous — and the Average Millionaire’s College GPA is 2.9

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Better than Google

Cartoon of a man at an information boothCartoon of a man at a church information booth who says, “You’ve been very helpful… even better than Google!

I feel sorry for reference librarians and the people that mind information booths. There was once a time when those skills depended solely on your knowledge compared to other people. Now they have to compete with search engines. At least the human touch can be much more friendly than the Googled version.

I drew this for the May 2017 Church of God CHOGNews.

children's ministry children's ministry cartoons

A Clean, Janitor-Free Dream

Cartoon of two women having coffee. One says, "I have a dream. One day, our children's ministry will skip a whole day without calling for janitor backup."
Copyright ©2017 Kevin Spear & Kidzmatter Magazine

True story: I was a church janitor once. Actually, I was a teen church janitor for over two years. When your grandfather is the pastor and your father is the Maintenance Supervisor you get those kinds of perks. I have maintenance supervisor in italics because it was a small church, Dad was a volunteer and he had the job because no one else was available on a Saturday morning and Grandpa trusted him with the keys. (My brother and I must be the only church janitors in modern history that never had an impressive set of keys.)