Teen Cartoons

Too Busy Having Fun

Cartoon of two kids at an amusement park. One says, "We're too busy having fun to be happy."Can anyone achieve happiness through busy-ness? If you are too busy to remember what you did, is it happiness? If the busy time ends and discontent reappears, was it ever really happiness?

It reminds me of a proverb:

Laughter can conceal a heavy heart, but when the laughter ends, the grief remains. Proverbs 14:13 NLT

Diversion may work for a while, but if you are struggling with something major, get help. 

Sport Cartoons

That Old Football Injury

Cartoon of two guys. One has a football shaped bump on his arm. He says, "That? Oh, it's an old football injury."I’ve heard so many guys complain of football injuries, I’m starting to question if they really played football in high school. I don’t remember every single guy but me being on the football team. Come to think of it, high school is really big in my hometown. Maybe I was the only guy who didn’t play football in my town after all.

Does backyard football count? I suppose it does if you have an injury to go with it.

Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Sermon Notes | The Victim

Sermon sketch notes page 1 on "The Victim" by Steve Southards
Sermon Copyright ©2017 Steve Southards, Salem Church of God. Sketch notes by Kevin Spear
Sermon sketch notes page 2 on "The Victim" by Steve Southards
Sermon Copyright ©2017 Steve Southards, Salem Church of God. Sketch notes by Kevin Spear

Have you ever dealt with someone who plays the victim? Have you ever felt like one? Steve Southards preached on May 21, 2017, about Difficult People: The Victim.

Attitude Purpose

Stubbornly Determined 

Cartoon of a jogging coupleI’ve learned that anything that requires determination takes a little stubbornness. When facing a daunting task, you’ll be told:

  • it’s not worth it.
  • There are not enough resources.
  • You’re not enough.
  • Aren’t you afraid?
  • Nobody has ever done this before. What makes you think you can?
  • If you feel scared, maybe that’s a sign you should stop 

Stubbornness is good when used correctly.

  • Be stubborn in your goal, but flexible in how to get there.
  • Be stubborn in standing up for what’s right, but flexible in how you communicate your vision to different people. 
  • Be stubborn in plugging away at your goal, but flexible in giving yourself a break. Nobody can be on 24/7/365.

I used to think being stubborn was a bad quality. Now I know it’s required for any goal with bumps and obstacles along the way.

Attitude Running

Keep on Running!

Cartoon of a runner shouting, "Just keep running!"
Copyright ©2017 Kevin Spear

This morning, I am going to be running the To Do My Best Half-Marathon in Troy, Ohio. I am looking forward to it because I haven’t run one in well over two years. I know. It’s a sickness. But I gladly embrace my malady.