children cartoons Internet

Grandparents and wi-fi

Cartoon of two boys. One says, "My grandparents are so old fashion. They don't even have wifi!"
©2015 Kevin Spear #4030

It’s getting to the point where grandchildren consider grandparents without wi-fi in the same categories as those with rotary phones, black and white TV and horseless carriages.

Wireless internet is ubiquitous. And no, my kids do not have to do without wi-fi when they go to their grandparents. What seemed like an out-of-reach luxury a decade ago is common. 

relationship cartoons

Real or Social Media Friends?

Cartoon of two women. One says, "Level with me, Doris. Are you my real or social media friend?
©2015 Kevin Spear-Cartoon 4029

We live in a world where we have social media friends, the we have close friends. Social media has allowed me to get in touch with people I may never meet face-to-face. My life is richer for those friendships. Yet, they cannot take the place of friendships within a community.


5 Steps to Learning From defeat

"If you learn from defeat, you haven't really lost." Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar always had a way of distilling so much into one sound bite! This quote got my mind racing. Have I learned from defeats? Have I learned the right lessons? Nobody likes defeat. It’s especially hard when we gave it all we could and we still come up short.


When it Comes to Creativity, Never Underestimate a Little Piece of Knowledge

Sketch of a mortar board and the word, "Knowledge!"I like trivia. No, I love trivia! The only problem I have with it is the way people perceive it. They look at trivia as… well, trivial! It’s perceived as useless, throw-away information.

Never underestimate the power of a little piece of knowledge! It has power. It makes creativity happen. It brings innovation to the marketplace. Any piece of knowledge, no matter how seemingly small or trivia can have power.

CHOG News School Cartoons

Prayer and Going Back to School

Cartoon of a mom and son. The disgruntled son says,

It can be tough to have faith that can move mountains when you have to go back to school. I probably prayed a prayer similar to the boy’s prayer in this cartoon when I was in elementary school.

School was stressful for me. I never knew if my pencil was really a Number Two Pencil. If I wasn’t so nervous, I may have had the wits to actually check the inscription on the pencil. I should’ve realized almost all school pencils are number two pencils. If I just got that through my head, maybe school wouldn’t have been so stressful. Then again, maybe I should have just prayed about my stress!

I drew this for the Church of God Newsletter.