sketch journal

How to have a happy career

Sketch of two guys. One has a wizard's hat


Sketch of two men. One has a wizard’s hat on. He says, “I’m going to stay into farming until the magic is gone.”

That’s good advice no matter what career you’re in. Whether it’s farming, banking, construction or widget making, keep the magic in whatever you do.

We can work to keep the magic in our career, especially if it’s something you had a passion for before. If we’re always learning, always finding a way to do something different and better in our career, the magic will still be there.

Our society is making it easy to keep the magic in our careers because we must change if we are going to stay in our industry. Technology and globalization requires it!

So what are you doing today to keep the magic in whatever you do?


Why it is so hard to face our fears cartoon

cartoon of a girl and a monster. The monster is eating someone

Cartoon of a girl and a monster. The monster is eating someone. The girl says, “You see, Roger? This is why I don’t like facing my fears!”

Fears, whether real or imagined can stop us in our tracks. We adults forget that children’s fears are just as real and debilitating to them as any adult-sized fears. They can consume anyone (and either our friends). What do you do?

  • Acknowledge you have the fear. It does no good to pretend a fear isn’t there when it is affecting us. Denying the fear monster doesn’t make it go away.
  • Realize courage doesn’t come from the absence of fear. Many a person has broken through a fear because they chose to be courageous in the midst of their fear.
  • Talk about it with a trusted friend, teacher or pastor. You may be surprised to learn you are not the only one facing that same fear. And acknowledging a phobia or anxiety with someone else breaks the power of the fear monster

Can an old dog, or a new kid change?


Kids can be just as stubborn as older adults when it comes to change. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, change can be difficult!

Too often, adults know a change is coming, but figure kids will be able to deal with it because they are young. The truth is, every individual involved in a change needs to be informed and listened to, whether it’s the youngest or oldest member of a group.

So if a change is coming and it affects children, remember to be considerate of them and keep them informed in an age appropriate way. They have more in common with old dogs when it comes to teaching new tricks.


How not to fish

Cartoon of two fishermen and a cow

Cartoon of two men fishing in a boat. A cow is in the water. One man says, “Aw! We had steaks last night. Throw him back!”

This seemed like the perfect cartoon for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “underwater.”

Coloring Page

Coloring page- Pumpkin and Mouse

Coloring page of a pumpkin and mouse

It’s autumn around here. The leaves are turning and soon the kids will be flocking to apple orchards and pumpkin farms.

Here’s a little coloring page for your classroom or for home. The mouse has a little pumpkin all for himself. But watch out for him. He likes corn too!

Click on the image to download a larger version of this coloring page.