Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Emergency

It’s summer time in Indiana and the bugs seem to find windshields like a moth to a flame.

If a but sees a windshield coming at fifty-five miles an hour, I’m assuming that would be an emergency!

children cartoons illustration

Curly Slide Celebration

I remember when my daughter faced the challenge of the curly slide. She celebrated when she made it down on her own.

It’s those little successes that taste so sweet.



I was thinking more about the term, “missing.” It reminded me how easy it is for guys to zone out of their family life.

I know I have to watch it and I pray I never get to the point where my kids and wife resent my career or my illustrations because they took the place of our relationship.

children cartoons Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Missing

The word, “missing,” reminded me how proud I was when I lost my baby teeth.

It was cute to see my kids go through this ritual. Now my daughter needs braces. Brace for financial impact, Mr. Sulu!

Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Moon

I’ve been to a bowling alley where they offer cosmic bowling. It’s when the disco and black lights come out.

The man on the moon looks more like a bowling ball, to me. That’s what cosmic bowling will do to you.