church cartoons technology cartoons

Should Your Church Use Text Messaging?

Once upon a time, electronic communication meant phoning a friend. Now we don’t use phones to make phone calls—we text! Considering this, should your church use text messaging?

Cartoon illustrating should your church use text messaging. A pastor says, "If you would like to respond to today's message, text me at 555-GOAT."

While the pastor in my cartoon may have the right idea, he probably needs a different phone number! It may sway some parishioners to text some less-than-positive feedback. Still, isn’t it amazing we can use technology to such a degree today?


It's Not Over Until You Say It's So

Do you feel like giving up? Did you think you had some traction, only to discover you were on ice and sliding downhill? In those times, it can be tempting to give up, throw in the towel and sulk in a corner. It may feel hopeless. But it’s not over until you say it’s so!

Cartoon of a man and his dog. They are trying to go up an icy hill, to no avail. I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week's word is "reverse."

Yogi Berra was famous for his yogiisms. Even the BBC noted while some of his sayings were silly, this one has become quite helpful:

It ain’t over till it’s over.”

Yogi Berra

What is the Strangest Secret?

In 1955, Earl Nightingale recorded a spoken word album that became a bestseller called The Strangest Secret. He asked and answered the question, “What is the strangest secret in the world?”

I heard parts of the recording many years ago. In August 2022, Dan Miller on the 48 Days podcast issued a challenge to listen to the recording for thirty days. I decided to take the challenge. It couldn’t have come at a better time for me!

Here is a link to the original recording:

“The Strangest Secret” by Earl Nightingale

This last month has turned out to be one of change for my wife and me. She has been offered an amazing opportunity. As a result, we will be moving soon and starting a new chapter in our lives.

The challenge also involved writing how the recording affected me. The following is my response to The Strangest Secret Challenge. I took the challenge. My answers are below.

children's ministry

Why atmosphere is important in the classroom

I read this blog post from the Washington Post this morning entitled Smart design + school = health. It described beautifully why atmosphere is important in the classroom. The final quote stood out to me:

“We really focused on what kids need. What I see in that space are kids gravitating to that atmosphere because they know it’s for them, about them. Everything is tailored to their needs.”

Dina Sorensen, project designer, VMDO Architects
"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" Adobe Illustrator children cartoons Warner Press

Illustration Friday: Unfold

These boys are enjoying a couple of marshmallows around a campfire. Will there be scary stories? Will a coyote or owl disrupt their outing? Who knows what will unfold next?

Two boys roast marshmallows around a campfire. Will there be stories? Loud critters? Who  knows what will unfold next?

This was part of a clip art assignment for Warner Press. I drew this back in 2009 to test an online clip-art service.

Over the years, I drew and submitted several assignments for an Illustration Friday competition. Too bad the competition appears to be a thing of the past. You just never know what will unfold next.