Business motivation

Habitually Practicing Effectiveness

Too often, we believe that to be effective at anything is a natural gift. And while it’s true some of us are gifted in administration, visionary leadership, or charisma, it still takes effective practice to get anything done.

"Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit; that is, a complex of practices. And pratices can always be learned" Peter Drucker in "The Essential Drucker"

What do you mean we have to practice being effective? Peter Drucker addresses this in the book. He equates it to the musician playing scales. It’s getting to the basics and doing the hard work.

Manual workers need only to be efficient. Knowledge workers can only be effective if they are efficient at the right things.

For me, that leads me to consider what is effective communication in the information age. And what does it look like to effectively communicate to internal and external audiences.

As I start the work week, I am asking myself, “How can I be most effective to my organiztion?” Perhaps, I should ask that at each start of the week.

So how about you? How are you habitually practiving effectiveness?

accountability motivation

Anything Goes… Until it Doesn’t

“A life in which anything goes will ultimately be a life in which nothing goes well.”

Maxwell, John C. Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 (Developing the Leader Series)(p. 34). HarperCollins Leadership. Kindle Edition.

We all have at least some autonomy to do whatever we want. We can…

  • Spend work goofing off because the boss is out today
  • Eat that full bag of chips… along with an entire pizza
  • Cheat on those financials because only you know the data
  • Lie about what happen since you were the only witness

Yes, we have the freedom to do what we want. And in an anything-goes-world, there is much more beyond my imagination that any of us could do.

But sooner or later, we will suffer the consequences of bad decisions.

  • The latest employee evaluation criticizes your lack of productivity
  • You suffer a health crisis because on your eating habits
  • The auditors are demanding the data because something is definately off
  • There is evidence that proves you lied

Anything goes is a poor strategy for going forward. We all need boundaries. We are accountable for our actions. John Maxwell had this quote concerning planning our daily-to-do list. It’s a reminder to me that even the decisions that may not appear to have large consequences can come back to affect us.


Is Your Soul for Sale?

What have you sold your soul to today?

  • Is it media?
    • Your favorite news source?
    • Social Media?
    • Music
  • Gossip?
    • Celebrity gossip?
    • Workplace gossip?
  • The promise of quick relief through a chemical?
    • Legal?
    • Illegal
    • Prescribed?

Mark Batterson’s quote struck a nerve with me:

Quote by Mark Batterson: "Not many people sell their souls to the devil, but many of us sell our souls to the culture."

We sell our souls daily. What are you selling it to? Make sure it is a wise investment.

books motivation Quotes

Why is isolation so dangerous?

Has anyone felt isolated lately? Of course, we have! After all quarantine is a synonym for isolation. Hospitals have isolation wards that keep infected people from spreading illness. In some situations, like a pandemic, isolation is necessary.

Health professionals have told us isolation has been necessary to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Yet, It isn’t easy for any of us. There has been several recent articles on how isolation is affecting us.

I liked today’s quote by Mark Batterson because of its humorous approach. It also reminds me isolation can become dangerous because it can cause us to do some crazy things.

  • We may start believing the negative self-talk that comes from our thoughts.
  • We may find unhealthy ways to numb the loneliness
  • When we finally get with people, we may come off as desperate, or a little neurotic (especially if you introduce you volleyball as your new friend)
  • It opens us up to scammers and others that take advantage of the lonely and isolated.

Batterson’s book is about how to listen to the voice of God. He reminded me that one way to hear His voice is to be in a community of believers. We all need friends and mentors to keep us from going off the rails. Isolation and a lack of humility can be a great disadvantage when you need someone to talk through an idea.

We are all social creatures. Even introverts need time with others. We may not be able to meet face-to-face. Technology may not be your strong suit. But I encourage you to find ways to reach out to friends even when it may take extra effort. We all need others to keep us from getting very lonely, and a little neurotic.

"When we isolate ourselves from others, we become islands unto ourselves. And like Tom Hanks in the movie 'Cast Away,' we eventually draw a face on a volleyball, name it Wilson, and start talking to it." Mark Batterson in "Whisper"

motivation Purpose

The power of purpose

If the last few months have taught us anything, it is that life is precious and fragile. We are fragile! Someone can look healthy one day, and two weeks later, they could be gone due to a tiny virus. This life is temporary.

Purpose prods us on to excellence. If all we have to work for is temporary gain, it won’t motivate us very far. Belonging to a higher purpose will keep us going when we face difficulty.

We are more than the economy. We are more than short-term gains. I encourage you to find your purpose. Strive to belong to something that is greater and more permanent that will outlast all of us. Be a person of faith and watch what is left of your life become excellent.