Christmas holiday

How can you be good at Christmas?

Cartoon of a boy and an annoyed girl


Cartoon of a boy sticking out his tongue and an annoyed girl. The girl says, “How do you expect me to be good for Christmas with him in the same room?”

It’s not easy, is it? I’m ashamed to say I was probably that antagonist to my sisters a few times. If I could go back in time thirty years ago and advise my sisters, I’d say, “Just stay away from that guy. And if he persists, remind him he’ll be on the naughty list before you will.” If he believes he is already on the naughty list, remind him there is grace. Yes, Santa gives grace to, but don’t push it!


Can an old dog, or a new kid change?


Kids can be just as stubborn as older adults when it comes to change. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, change can be difficult!

Too often, adults know a change is coming, but figure kids will be able to deal with it because they are young. The truth is, every individual involved in a change needs to be informed and listened to, whether it’s the youngest or oldest member of a group.

So if a change is coming and it affects children, remember to be considerate of them and keep them informed in an age appropriate way. They have more in common with old dogs when it comes to teaching new tricks.


Find Your Purpose

Cartoon of a girl and an arrow
©2013 Speartoons, Inc

Cartoon of an anthropomorphized arrow. It says, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel so pointless.”

We all want a point. We all want to do something meaningful. How do you do that when you have a feeling that tells you, “What’s the point?”

We all have a point. But we won’t find it by looking to please ourselves. There are over seven billion people on this planet with needs. And it can get overwhelming thinking about that mass of humanity with needs just like you.

But I found when I reach out to just one of those seven billion and lend a kind word or deed, I discover a purpose far greater than ourselves. We weren’t born to aimlessly take care of our own needs. We were made to learn how to serve the needs of each other.

cartoon children cartoons

Prayer Requests

Here’s a post I made in 2006.

“Remember me in your prayers. When my dad finds out I stratched the car with my bike, I’ll need all the prayers I can get!”

You get all kinds of interesting prayer requests in a Sunday school class. I have a feeling I uttered a similar requests once. Though I don’t remember scratching Dad’s car, I did plenty of other things. I’m thankful Dad was gracious when I messed up. By the way, Happy birthday, Dad!


Short Term Economic Aid

Cartoon of a boy asking for money

Cartoon of a father and son. The boy says, “Hey, Dad. I need some short-term, economic aid.”