Illustration Friday

Crooked Heart

Cartoon of a crook in a doctor's office

Cartoon of a crook in a doctor’s office. The caption says, “You have to help me, Doc. I need a transplant for my crooked heart.

I drew this for Illustration Friday. When I heard this week’s word, “crooked,” I thought of Proverbs 11:20. How does one change a crooked heart? With a transplant, of course!

I drew this in Adobe Ideas and Adobe Illustrator.

Here is what the sketch looked like in Adobe Ideas:

children cartoons

Kid PR

Cartoon of a girl and a boy in a corner. The girl says, "Looks like to me you have yourself a public relations problem

Cartoon of a girl and a boy in a corner. The girl says, “Looks like to me you have yourself a public relations problem.”

Don’t you just love how businesses and politicians react to their blunders? Typically, instead of admitting their errors, they will put some public relations spin on it. Come to think of it, we learn how to spin a situation quite early in life, don’t we?

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator.

Illustration Friday

Take a Bounce

Illustration of a girl bouncing on a trampoline

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “bounce.”

I began this illustration in Adobe Ideas for the iPad. Then I took it into Adobe Illustrator.


Have a Cape

Cartoon of a girl and a boy with a cape. The boy says,

“Have you noticed you feel you can do anything if you wear a cape?”

Perhaps I need a cape today. The problem is, people look at you strange if you take your cape to the gym. And I learned from the movie, “The Incredibles,” it can be quite the safety hazard.


Illustration Friday

Balloon Carrier

Illustration of a woman holding a toy balloon. The balloon is lifting her a few inches off the ground

Illustration of a woman holding a toy balloon. The balloon is lifting her a few inches off the ground.

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “carry.” It reminded me of an older cartoon I drew. The caption mentioned being on a diet. I thought it worked just fine without the caption. After all, since the word is “carry,” let the balloon be the star on this one!

I began this sketch in Adobe Ideas. I am experimenting with drawing on my iPad.