Exercise motivation Running

No One Wants to be Just a Number… or do They?

Man running into a sunrise

This morning, I did something I know most guys my age don’t do. I ran eight miles. I don’t say this to brag, because I don’t consider myself an athlete. I didn’t run in high school or college. I only picked it up in my thirties when my weight was creeping up on me and my father-in-law poked my doughboy’s belly!

I say it because it is possible to be active in your fifties and beyond. This came to my mind when I read this Runner’s World article the other day:

5 Runners who Prove Age is Just a Number

In this article, it quotes a study that claims people felt they were too old to start exercising after they turned forty-one years old. Yet the article had five runners who began to run between the ages of fifty and eighty-four. Let that sink in! An eighty-four-year-old decided it was time to start running!

We put too many limits on ourselves. We’d like to start something but we make all kinds of excuses like:

  • I’m too old
  • I’m too young
  • I don’t have the money
  • I don’t have the time
  • I don’t have any talent
  • I don’t know anybody
  • The timing isn’t right

We claim we don’t want to be a number, yet do we allow numbers to limit ourselves? Do we give in to society’s expectations that are neither correct nor fulfilling?

Check with your doctor. If he or she gives you the okay, I encourage you to start exercising. It’s made a big difference in my life since I began this good habit.

Exercise gag cartoon

Modern Charles Atlas

cartoon of a guy showing off his weak musclesCartoon of a guy saying, “Thanks to an intense exercise program, I’ve gone from a 98-pound weakling to a 100-pound powerhouse.”

People who know me call me an exercise nut. I probably look more like the 100-pound “powerhouse” since I run more than anything else. 

This cartoon reminds me how we view ourselves can be more important than our actual appearance. I’ve seen an average Joe be the life of the party because he had a high view of himself. 

So hold your head high and flex those powerhouse muscles! 


How to run from your troubles

cartoon of a guy running. The captions says, "i don't run so I can run away from my troubles."


Whenever you’re going through some troubling times, and who doesn’t, it helps to get some exercise.

This morning, it was very warm. the humidity made things steamy at six in the morning. But a good run helped me clear my head and feel better than I had in several days.

If you’re physically able to do it, I’d encourage you to take a walk or a run. When you get your body moving, it helps get the brain unstuck as well.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Illustration Friday single panel cartoon webcomic

Stir the Pitcher

Cartoon of a girl watching a boy stir with effort. The girl says, “That does it. You need to exercise more.”

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “stir.”