children's ministry cartoons creativity Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine

Creativity Can Get Noisy

Cartoon of two girls looking at two boisterous boys. One girl says, "When it comes to boys, it isn't creativity until they make some rude noises."
Copyright ©2017 Kevin Spear & Kidzmatter Magazine

Creativity can come unexpectedly and in some amazing varieties. Sometimes, it takes some cutting up and a little obnoxious behavior to get the creative juices flowing. 

When I saw my three-year-old niece the other day, she was expressing some “noisy boy” creativity in the form of some rude noises. Perhaps rude noises aren’t limited by gender anymore. And it may do us good to act as carefree as a preschooler or preteen friends when it comes to creativity. May we all have a chance to express a little creativity with some friends today.

I drew this for Kidzmatter Magazine.

Teen Cartoons

Driving is Like Falling off a Bike

Cartoon of two young men in a car. The driver says, “Relax! How hard can it be to drive? This car doesn’t have near as many gears as a ten speed bike! ”It was a rude awakening when I discovered driving a cart was a bit more challenging than my trusty bike. On the plus side, I didn’t have to fall out of the car to learn. On the minus side, I nearly gave my driving instructor a heart attack when we ended up in a ditch. It didn’t help much that the instructor was a classmate of my dad. They had a great time chatting up and commenting on my driving expertise. 

So a word of advice to new drivers: the number of gears does not correlate to the difficulty of the vehicle.

animal cartoons

Dogma and Catechisms

Cartoon of a dog-faced person talking to a manDisclaimer: our family has a cat AND a dog. Are we cat or dog people? We’re animal people. Well, we’re not reptiles, amphibians, birds, insects or spider people. We’re mammal people. Well, we don’t have any other mammals but a cat and a dog. We had a gerbil and a hamster once. But they didn’t agree with the cat. It was a traumatic experience. 

In other words, I think if dogs go to heaven, cats will too. Cat haters will have to figure out how to get along with all God’s creatures. I’m just praying flies and mosquitoes will not make an appearance there.

Babies cartoon children's ministry cartoons

Rousing Baby Quartet

Cartoon of four babies in baby bedsCartoon of four babies in baby beds. One baby says, “Do you know what we have here? We have the makings of a great quartet!

When I have served in nurseries and the babies began wailing, I’ve often wondered what it would be like if the kiddos cried in harmony. Someone needs to modify an autotune device so it could make church nurseries harmonious places. 


Summer Break Worship

Cartoon of a boy celebrating. The caption says, "When summer break came, Mark couldn't help but worship."Cartoon of a boy celebrating. The caption says, “When summer break came, Mark couldn’t help but worship.

In the United states, the kids are itching for summer vacation. I remember how exuberant everyone felt at the end of the school year. It took about three days before the kids were bored and we were looking for something to do. It isn’t until you become adult do you realize quiet, boring times are a real gift. The trick is to live each day as the celebration it is.