technology cartoons

Cartoon: Hacking Pet

Cartoon of a boy scolding a dog on a computer

Cartoon of a boy scolding his talented dog. The caption reads, “Skippy! Bad dog! There is no hacking in this house!”

I’ve come to the conclusion a dog’s main talent is hacking. My dog is a good hacker. She isn’t a computer hacker, but she is a very vocal hacker nonetheless.

When I heard Illustration Friday’s word was “talent, I thought of my talented dog.

children cartoons

Cartoon: Stuck-up Snowman

Cartoon of two girls and a snowman

Cartoon of two girls walking away from a snowman. One says, “I can’t believe he’s giving me the cold shoulder!”

Those snowmen can be stuck-up, or can they? Maybe they’re a little introverted. Come on, girls! Give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he’s imagining a day on the beach, or perhaps he’s trying to figure out how to survive spring. At any rate, you won’t realize how much you miss him until he’s gone in March.


children cartoons

Cartoon: The Puddle

Cartoon of two children staring at a snowman

Cartoon of of two children staring at a snowman. One says, “One month, you’re king of the mountain. The next month, you’re a puddle.”

Winter is quickly fading away around here. All the snow people have met a disastrous end thanks to some warm temps and little reinforcing snow. Seasons remind us that change is around the corner no matter how young or old you are.

It also reminds us there are cycles in life. If you don’t like the way things are going, wait and they’ll change. On the other hand, if you’re king of the mountain, don’t get too comfortable up there. Things are bound to change sooner or later!


Cartoon: The Taste of Victory

Cartoon of a bicyclist that just swallowed a bug

Cartoon of a man riding a bicycle. The man is coughing. The caption says, “Eric thought he had tasted victory. It turns out he swallowed a bug.”


Cartoon: Prodigal Pizza

Cartoon of two pigs. One says, “I feel sorry for that Prodigal Son. Somebody needs to order him a pizza.”

Cartoon of two pigs. One says, “I feel sorry for that Prodigal Son. Somebody needs to order him a pizza.”