
Weddings Beget Marriages

I had the honor to witness the wedding of two very special people yesterday. It was wonderful to see two people make a commitment to one another and begin their lives together. Weddings mark the beginning of an institution with so much potential filled with hopes, dreams and love.

Can filled with lit glow sticks

Weddings are wonderful and important. But they are just the start of a marriage. Too often, we get excited about the big event, then lose enthusiasm quickly in the long haul.

My wife and I were at our reception table. She asked the couples how many years they were married. One said thirty-three years. Another thirty-seven. A third had been married twenty years. We have been married for thirty-one years. Between the four of us, there were one hundred and twenty-one accumulated years. In today’s world, that is so uncommon and special.

Each of the couples has had wonderful moments and challenges. Some of us had been there for the other couple in a difficult time. We have laughed and cried together. We had done life together.

I cherish the wedding day my wife and I had on a sunny December day. But I cherish even more the journey we have had in our marriage. The beginning event and the vows are great. The result of living out those vows through the years is even better.

relationship cartoons

How to solve the biggest problem with marriage

Man in knight armor says to receptionist, "If anyone needs me, I'll be counseling a couple."

I am not a certified marriage counselor, but I’ve been married for twenty-five years and am looking forward to the next twenty-five. We’ve had out ups and downs, but I am relieved to say my bride has stuck with me. What has been our secret? Mutual submission.

“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Ephesians 5:21

The biggest problem with all marriages is that it contains two selfish people. When I entered into marriage, I selfishly thought my bride would take care of all my needs. And she thought the same. We had to learn to work together, show humility and to think of the other person.

It isn’t easy, and our culture won’t help. It will tell you it is all about your needs and your desires. That is why the more selfish we get as a society, the more marriage has suffered.

If you are a Christian, I would encourage you to read Ephesians 5:21-33.  It contains some tough instructions for a husband and wife to follow.  But I have found that it works.

It never was just about our needs.

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relationship cartoons

Why you can expect change in a marriage.

Cartoon of a bearded lady and a man

Cartoon of a bearded lady and a man. The man says, “Face it, Helen! You’re not the same gal I married.”

Change is going to happen, whether you want it or not. That’s just the nature of things. Some of us will gain hair where we don’t want it and others will long for the days when we had hair.

If you celebrated any wedding anniversary, then you simply aren’t the married to the same person you once were. We all change.

That’s a good thing. Celebrate the fact even our relationships change. Nothing stays the same. If an organism is alive, it is either growing or dying.

Take the time to make sure your relationship is growing even as the both of you are growing. Invest in your marriage like you would tend a garden.

Your partner probably isn’t the same person you married. And come to think about it, she may be very glad you aren’t the same person she married!

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Honeymoon Thwarted

Cartoon of two hotel doors. One reads, "Honeymoon Suite." The other says, "Young Baby With Colicky Baby Suite."
Cartoon of two hotel doors. One reads, “Honeymoon Suite.” The other says, “Young Baby With Colicky Baby Suite.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon love relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Cold as Ice

Cartoon of a marriage counselor, snowman and woman. The snowman says, “Look! I’m willing to compromise, but I just can’t vacation in Florida!”

This dedicated to my snow bunny who would love nothing more than to vacation all winter in Florida. Happy anniversary, Honey. Here’s to many more walks on the beach with you.