
How to give your wife a happy birthday

Cartoon of a sick woman asking a man to sign a contract

Cartoon of an ill woman with a contract. She says to a man, “Please sign this agreement that you will never again bake me a birthday cake.”

Maybe it’s the thought that counts, but if you know you’re a lousy baker, let the professionals do the work. After all, you will need to eat the cake too!

relationship cartoons

Cartoon: She Loves Chocolates

Cartoon of someone throwing Valentine chocolates at a man

Cartoon of a man talking to another while a box of Valentine chocolates hurls towards them. The man says, “When she sees my Valentine gift to her, she’ll forget our fight. She can’t resist chocolate!”

I can’t recall this actually happening to me, though I probably deserved it more than once. I am thankful for my valentine of twenty-six years. I promise not to start a fight today, or in the near future… if I can help it!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

relationship cartoons webcomic

Cartoon: Communication Quack

Cartoon of a duck couple

Cartoon of two ducks. One says to the other, “All you ever say is, ‘Quack, quack, quack!’ You call that communication?”

Communication is harder than it sounds, but it’s easier than it looks. Body language can say a lot about the person, can’t it? Judging by the look of the duck on the right, he’s communicating very clearly that he’s not taking advice gracefully.

relationship cartoons

Cartoon: Nagging Driver

Cartoon of a couple in an automobile

Cartoon of a couple in a car. The woman says, ““I only nag you when you’re lost. The problem is, you’re always lost.”


Snakes in the Shower

Cartoon of a woman in a shower. a snake is behind her. The caption reads, "That was the last year Heather let Eric put any exotic pets on his Christmas wish list."
Cartoon of a woman in a shower. a snake is behind her. The caption reads, “That was the last year Heather let Eric put any exotic pets on his Christmas wish list.”