Adobe Photoshop cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Health Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

It’s Catching

Cartoon of a mom and a sick child in a doctor’s office. The doctor, child and mother all have spots on their skin. The doctor says, “Well whateve he has, it’s contagious.”

cartoon children cartoons Illustration Friday

Surrender the Snow Fort

Illustration of a snowball fight. A girl holds a snowball while a boy behind a snow fort surrenders. I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “surrender.”

Adobe Illustrator animal cartoons cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Running From Squirrels

Cartoon of two children running. Someone is throwing acorns at them. One says, “You shouldn’t insult squirrels when they’re in trees and have ammo.”

Adobe Photoshop animal cartoons cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Illustration Friday single panel cartoon webcomic

Being Chicken

Cartoon of boy and a chicken. The boy says, “I want to thank you for showing me what it truly means to be a chicken.”

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “chicken.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon Christmas gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Christmas Joy Ride

Cartoon of Santa Claus and elves in a sleigh. The caption says, Thanks to a joy ride, Christmas was nearly canceled.

Be sure you keep your sleigh locked and secure this Christmas!