Parenting Cartoons

How to Help Your Mom

When it comes to helping others, we may have good intentions, but miss the mark. This inspired me to write and draw this “How to help your mom” cartoon.

How to help your Mom cartoon: a teen boy says, From now on, I’m going to help you around here, mom. Do you want me to help you learn how to shoot hoops?

We may get helpful advice such as, “Use your skills to help others.” But what if our skills aren’t really what the other person needs? Does this boy’s mom really want to know how to shoot hoops? Perhaps. But could a little help with the laundry be what she really needs?

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon School Cartoons seasons single panel cartoon webcomic

New Bored Record

School is almost out for the summer around the USA. Kids will be rejoicing for a good five minutes or so. Then they will attempt to establish a “new bored record.” Five minutes may seem a bit ambitious, but it can be done!

New bored record cartoon: One boy says,"We've been on summer break for five minutes. I'm bored."

I remember the days when I was bored out of my skull during the first few days of summer break. After all, there were only three or four channels to watch.

We have more channels today, but the kids still have to suffer from nothing good to watch on TV. Come to think of it, when was there something good to watch on TV?


How to Increase Your Prayer Life

Summer is coming and kids will soon be out of school for the summer. I remember the times when parents and kids had to adjust to the new normal. That inspired this How to Increase Your Prayer Life cartoon.

How to increase your prayer life Cartoon: A mom says, "My prayer life is so much stronger since the kids got out of school!"

There is nothing like a crisis to increase our prayer lives. It can be a minor, annoying crisis like boisterous kids that are trying to entertain themselves. Or we can experience major crises that bring us to our knees. Both types of situations make us reconsider increasing our quiet time.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Making a Joyful Noise

When my youngest sister was still a toddler, I could tell she inherited our mother’s musical talent and proclivity. As soon as the worship music began, she was up and ready to belt it out! This led to my idea for this making a joyful noise cartoon.

Making a joyful noise: Cartoon of a boy and girl toddler at church. The girl is enthusiastic. The boy says, "That's quite a joyful noise you're making there."

The phrase, “joyful noise,” comes from the King James version of Psalm 100:1. It’s a short chapter that packs a powerful message of why worship music is an important part of a church service.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.

Psalm 100:1 (KJV)
church cartoons

His Thoughts Are Not Our Thoughts

One of the factors I love about creativity is how it brings out the many unique perspectives in the world. I thought about that and Isaiah 55:8-9 when I drew this His thoughts are not our thoughts cartoon.

His thoughts are not our thoughts cartoon. Man says, "His thoughts are not our thoughts. Then again, your ideas are pretty unique too."
Published in the May 2022 CHOGNews

I like eccentric, non-conforming characters. When I was in art school, I admired those students with the courage to be unique. At least I thought they were unique. It turns out they got their cues from others too. It just wasn’t the characters or culture I was used to in the Midwest.