children cartoons

Postponed for Lack of Interest?

Boy asking why can't school be postponed?
Cartoon of a boy asking, “Why don’t they ever call off school for lack of interest?”

I’ve been there, haven’t you? You may even like work or school, but sometimes, mornings sap the motivation right out of you! How dow you get motivated when everything within you says, “Can’t we just call it a day?”

children cartoons

Cartoon: Stuck-up Snowman

Cartoon of two girls and a snowman

Cartoon of two girls walking away from a snowman. One says, “I can’t believe he’s giving me the cold shoulder!”

Those snowmen can be stuck-up, or can they? Maybe they’re a little introverted. Come on, girls! Give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he’s imagining a day on the beach, or perhaps he’s trying to figure out how to survive spring. At any rate, you won’t realize how much you miss him until he’s gone in March.



Cartoon: Snowball Ambush

Cartoon of a man about to be ambushed with snowballs

Cartoon of a man looking at a snowball while others are about to hit him. The caption says, “For a moment, Mark was embarrassed. A grown man shouldn’t throw snowballs at neighborhood boys.”

Never underestimate the craftiness of neighborhood kids. Once they see you with a snowball in your hand, all bets are off. You have shown you are willing to tango, and they will make sure they lead! They will make sure any snowball fight you start, will be finished before you can say, “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea!”

children cartoons

Cartoon: How Greedy?

Cartoon of a boy and a bank teller. The boy says, "How greedy do you have to be to work here?"

Cartoon of a boy and a bank teller. The boy says, “How greedy do you have to be to work here?”

When I was a teen, I loved working for a fast food restaurant, because I could have the merchandise for dinner. It’s too bad the same concept doesn’t quite work in the banking institutions. Then again, I’ve been reading about the financial crises in 2008. There were a lot of bank executives and Wall Street financiers that appeared to be doing just that.

If a bank teller helped herself to the bank’s merchandise, that would be called embezzling. If an executive helps himself, is that called a bonus?

church cartoons

Cartoon: Ruffled Feathers

Cartoon of  a man talking to an angry chicken. The man says, "Sorry, Fred. But I thought ALL my sermons ruffled your feathers.

Cartoon of  a man talking to an angry chicken. The man says, “Sorry, Fred. But I thought ALL my sermons ruffled your feathers.

I drew this for the January, 2013 Church of God E-newsletter.