church cartoons

Pop-up Evangelism

Happy Pentecost or Whit Sunday! This cartoon seemed like just as good a one for this day as any. Besides, what better day for a little pop-up evangelism than Pentecost Sunday?

Pop-up Evangelism cartoon: a guy pops out of a tree and says, "Have you thought about where you will spend eternity?"

Pentecost Sunday in many churches commemorates the day the Holy Spirit descended on the Disciples after Jesus ascended to Heaven. You can read all about it in Acts, Chapter 2. Suddenly, this group of followers transformed from a timid group to one that was willing to do anything to share the good news or Gospel.

Illustration Friday

Tall Teacher Cartoon

When you are a teacher, you soon learn kids love to use you as playground equipment. It’s especially true in preschool classes. One day, my son was in a class and a kid wanted to hang from his arms. So that inspired this tall teacher cartoon.

Tall teacher cartoon: One child says, "You're tall enough to be a great teacher."

I drew this for Illustration Friday in 2012. That week’s word was “tall.” When I read it, I thought of times when my son has volunteered to teach. He’s a tall guy, and some of the small kids love for him to hold out his arm as they swing from it. The kids love a tall, strong, gentle guy. And who doesn’t love the monkey bars?

School Cartoons

Standardized Tests Cartoon

Standardized tests can be scary for students. I remember getting nervous if there was any test that I knew was important. And I saw how my kids had to endure them. So that inspired this standardized tests cartoon.

Cartoon of two students. One of them is shocked by a test. The other says, "They call them standardized tests becasue being terrified to take them is the standard."

There are pros and cons to using them. And let’s face it: no one likes standardized tests! But for adults, none of our tests are standard.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children's ministry cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

VBS Gusto

School is out for most kids. That means many parents immediately search for vacation Bible school options. And some parents will be checking if a program has some VBS gusto!

VBS Gusto Cartoon: A parent wants to know if vacation Bible school will have gusto.

Finding the Right VBS Program

It can be difficult for parents to find a good program for their kids. This article from provides a great overview for a parent that doesn’t know much about VBS programs and would like to get their kids involved.


Being Watched Cartoon

Kids are hilarious. They will say what they think and do what grownups consider socially awkward. One little boy that had a habit of staring at adults inspired me to draw this “Being Watched Cartoon.”

Being Watched Cartoon: A man says, "Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?"

Privacy is an issue that keeps coming up thanks to the Internet, Facebook, Apple, and Google. People fret because they’re concerned someone out there knows way too much about what brand of bread you buy or how often you do (or don’t) brush your teeth.