Adobe Illustrator children cartoons webcomic

Cartoon: A Leprechaun’s Offer

Cartoon a caught leprechaun makes an offer

Cartoon of a boy who caught a leprechaun. The leprechaun says, “Aye! I’m fresh out of gold, Laddie. But I can give you a free ride to the University of Notre Dame.”

Adobe Illustrator church cartoons family relationship cartoons webcomic

Cartoon: Roosting in the Balcony

Cartoon: Roosting in the balcony

Cartoon of  a couple in a balcony. A pigeon is rosting next to them. The wife says, “That’s why I don’t like sitting in the balcony.

Adobe Illustrator single panel cartoon webcomic

A love of Cartoons

A love of cartoons, cartoon

Cartoon of two men in an office. One man says, “Your prececessor fell from grace when we discovered he had a love for cartoons.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon Illustration Friday relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Illustration Friday: Subterranean

Cartoon of woman spying a periscope in her backyard.

Cartoon of  woman in backyard. She sees a periscope poking up from the lawn. She says, “Henry! Get the cat! The moles are back.”

Adobe Illustrator children cartoons illustration

Illustration: The prince and princess

Illustration: The Prince and Princess

This was an illustration I did just for fun in 1999. I was inspired by all the fairy tales I was reading to my daughter. She wasn’t hot on the romance part of the stories. Romance just made her sick. Apparently, it does the same for this poor prince.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator.