Adobe Illustrator Business Cartoons cartoon gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Hostile Takeover Cartoon

The world of business has some interesting language. One day, I heard about one corporation going after another. This led to an idea for a hostile takeover cartoon.

Hostile takeover cartoon. A mans says to another who is giving him the raspberries, "So does that mean you're beginning the hostile takeover?"

As I am updating this, Elon Musk is in the news because he wants to buy out Twitter. It’s the big business news of early 2022. The term, hostile takeover, had dominated the news for the last couple of weeks. Who knows what news item inspired me in 2010. Was it when Kraft Foods decided to go after Cadbury? Considering how I love chocolate, that could have piqued my interest!

Adobe Illustrator Bible cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Proverbs School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic wisdom

Wisdom and Talking Cartoon

Being quiet has its advantages. When we slow down and listen to others, we can be perceived as knowledgeable without saying a word. This concept and a proverb led to this wisdom and talking cartoon.

Wisdom and talking cartoon: A boy says,  "Everyone thinks I am wise until you call on me and I have to open my mouth!"

There are several Bible verses that speak about this. But for me, James 1:19 has helped me greatly over the years. If only it was easy to apply to everyday living! Social and traditional media encourages us to spout off whatever comes to mind. After all, a blog with no content isn’t very compelling, is it?

Adobe Illustrator animal cartoons cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Health Cartoons Illustration Friday single panel cartoon webcomic

Canine Remedy Cartoon

Some health issues are self-inflicted. Such is the case with this canine remedy cartoon. This poor dog needs to stop chasing cats!

Canine remedy cartoon of a boy with a bandaged dog. The boy says, "Do you want the real remedy? STOP CHASING CATS!"

There are some dogs that are adept at chasing cats. Then there are others that really should find another hobby! We had a dog that wasn’t cut out for cat-chasing since she was not bigger than most of her targets. I have learned to beware of dogs and fools!

Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon Health Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Assisted Self-Help

The problem with improvement programs is that we really need assisted self-help. We need others to help us see our blind spots and improve. I drew this cartoon when I thought about this quandary. How do we get the help we need while still taking responsibility for our own actions?

Cartoon of a man and psychiatrist. the man says, “I came to you, Doc, so I could learn to take responsibility for my own actions. So far, you haven’t helped a bit.”

It isn’t easy! It takes humility to admit we need help. If we could have solved the problem before, we would have done so by now. Yet, we need determination and commitment from ourselves to improve any situation.

cartoon gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon technology cartoons

Call from Mom

It’s a good thing I didn’t have a cell phone in school. Would I have received a call from Mom? Probably not. But I most likely would have been calling for a lifeline every few minutes.

Cartoon of a boy and a teacher. The boy says, "I'll answer that in a second. But first, let me take this call from Mom."

Today, can you really trust if it’s your mom calling you? Scammers can mask any number and make it appears it is coming from your loved one. If your mother is calling to ask for your social security number, it’s probably a good sign that the person on the other line is a scammer. The deep, bass voice may be a giveaway too.