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Thankful Heart

Cartoon of a mom and son. The boy says, "I'll give thanks, but must I give thanks with a grateful heart?" thankful heart

It’s the day Americans choose to celebrate with turkey, canned cranberry sauce, and football. Yes! It’s the day we decide to have a thankful heart. At least, that’s the idea.

However, that can be a challenge when you have an ungrateful relative. Maybe they had a challenging year. Or perhaps that has been their demeanor since you’ve known them. Regardless, one dour soul can bring down the whole group.

holiday Parenting Cartoons pet cartoons

How to Deal With Picky Eaters at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving can be a real challenge for parents. Kids can complicate a complex social gathering when they turn their noses at Aunt Elva’s oyster dressing, among other delicacies. So I’ll help you by advising how to deal with picky eaters at Thanksgiving.

Spear 3727

Memorial Day 2022

It is Memorial Day, 2022. Today, I think back to a post I wrote in 2010. It was a post about my wife’s grandfather who served in World War II. He had passed away long before I met my wife. I wondered what stories he would have had to tell.

Cartoon of dad and son at grave site: Memorial Day

This day is about honoring those who paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. I know I enjoy many freedoms today because of the men and women who made the choice to defend my country.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Birthday Chorale

Most of us like to be acknowledged on our birthdays. On a Sunday, what would be better than a birthday chorale singing in our honor?

Birthday chorale cartoon: A boy says, "It's my birthday, Pastor. Why didn't the choir sing, 'Happy birthday?'"

When I first posted this, it was my wife’s birthday and she was directing the children’s ministry at our church. Since her birthday fell on a Sunday that year, I got the kids in Happy Birthday to her.

cartoon holiday webcomic

Mother’s Day Breakfast in Bed Alternative

I don’t consider myself a good cook. Like Charlie Brown, I can basically make popcorn and toast. So I was always searching for a Mother’s Day breakfast in bed alternative.

I think the two boys in this cartoon have a good idea!

Mother's Day Breakfast in bed alternative. A boy is on a phone and says, "Hello, Pizza Palace? For Mother's Day, would you deliver breakfast in bed?"

On the other hand, my son is an outstanding cook. He knows how to prepare a fantastic breakfast. I remember one Mother’s Day when he triumphantly prepared a breakfast fit for a queen. The only problem was that it was also fit for a king and several of their attendants. That was a BIG breakfast!