
Insurance and Assurances

It’s been a difficult week for the United States and the world. Some have insurance. Few have assurances when people will get to go out again and mingle. It is a tough time for parents who have to juggle the normal challenges of raising a family with a pandemic and a little cabin fever thrown in for good measure.

This morning, I hear birds singing outside my window. They don’t have a clue all the stress humans are experiencing right now. They are carrying on with their spring rituals. They are finding food and building nests in anticipation of the little ones.

There have never been full assurances that life would be the same as it ever was. Things have changed this year, and there will be more changes. But life will go on. There will still be joyous times even in the midst of the challenges. There will be choirs singing, kids playing sports and joyful reunions someday soon. Just hang on today while we negotiate social distancing and how our health insurance plans actually work. We can do this together!

Cartoon of a boy in bed. He says to his mom, "But if we have health insurance, why didn't it keep me from getting sick?"

Worry, the Joy Robber

There is certainly no shortage of things to worry about today. Security of any kind feels like it’s in short supply. What seemed like a sure thing at the beginning of 2020 is a distant memory four months later.

Many of us have time on our hands, thanks to no commuting, travel or group activities. This week would have been busy for my wife and me because, well, it’s the week before Easter. But now, we have plenty of time wondering what we would have been doing if things were out and about.

Worry is counter-productive. It not only robs us of joy, but also creativity, hope, productivity, and well-being. It takes responsibility to improve things out of our hands and puts it in the hands of governments and institutions that are frankly struggling too.

If you find yourself worrying today, turn off the news, start finding some things to be grateful for, and ask what this makes possible. Start envisioning a future where you are on the other side of this crisis and are better for it. We will learn from this season. And remember, it’s only a season. Things will change. They will one day change for the better.

Quote: "Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy." Leo Buscaglia

motivation Parenting Cartoons teaching

A Salute to the Sudden Homeschooling Parent

I know it must be rough. If you weren’t already a homeschooling parent, it had to be quite challenging to become one without much notice or preparation. I’ve heard more than one parent express admiration for their child’s school teacher. It has changed your relationship with your kids. You may be doing it while you are juggling your job duties. It is probably complicated by a tinge of cabin fever as we await stay-at-home orders to be lifted.

I give a salute to you! It can’t be an easy task. You can take some solace in knowing that you were your child’s first teacher. They have already learned much from you. They also notice how you are juggling so much during this crisis. They admire you much more than they will let on.

Go on and fill your kids with knowledge. Let them know you are with them, are for them, and as a family, you will get through this. When this is a memory one day, your kids will have fond memories of a time that today you are finding quite stressful.

motivation pet cartoons

Is This More Stressful on Us or the Pets?

The other day, I saw a video of a cat that was very unhappy she had to share her daytime living space with her quarantined owners. The poor kitty was yowling and hissing mad.

Working from home has been a challenge for everyone. Right now, I’ve been busy trying to make it all work for my artists. It’s been a major transition for us because we relied so heavily on paper folders until all of this happened. Hey! Don’t judge me! When you are a printer, you like to continue using paper as much as possible.

For those of us working remotely, the pets must be even more overwhelmed at this point. Just like their owners, routines have been twisted, turned inside out and bounced around like a toy mouse. One article suggests if we’re stressed at home, pets will pick up on that. On the other hand, if you’re soothed by your presence, perhaps they are too.

Maybe it’s a great time for dogs as opposed to cats. A friend told me his dog is quite happy to have the extra walks and attention. I’ve heard no reports on cats. Perhaps if we can give them a little time to be lazy, they’ll be more tolerant of us as well.

Cartoon of two cats. One says, "Don't our owners bother you. They have no idea how hard we have to work at being lazy."

Is Any Time a Good Time For a Good Scare?

I’ve never been much of a horror movie fan. The term good scare sounds like an oxymoron to me. With all the news about pandemics and quarantines these days, I’m in even less of a mood for a good scare.

I’ve had to take some breaks from the news lately. Yet, I’ve also wanted to stay informed. It is possible to do both. Much of the news can be condensed to one half-hour segment. We don’t need to be immersed in all of the updates 24/7.

No time is a good time for a good scare. This isn’t a convenient time. But since we are in a crisis, there are some things you and I can do to balance the bad news.

  • Go on a media fast for the morning. Don’t start your day with the news, until you’ve had a chance to get your bearings for the morning.
  • Read some inspirational material before you begin your day. a paper version would be better since you won’t be distracted by news alerts.
  • Spend some time in prayer or meditation.
  • Text or call a friend and let them know how much you appreciate them.
  • Write a gratitude list.
  • If you’re working from home, get showered and dressed as if you were leaving for work.

There are many things we can’t control. But we can control how we start our day and what goes into our minds. Nix the scary stuff first thing in the morning.

Cartoon of a girl and a ghost