love motivation

Find Some Ways to Spread Some Love

The girl in today’s cartoon may not be practicing social distancing, but it’s okay. Stickie notes may be a way of spreading love without coming into close proximity to someone. Besides, there will be a time in the near future when she will once again get to spread the love using all the stickie notes she wants in any way she wants.

We are going through some challenging times right now. If you are quarantined at home right now, or if you suddenly find yourself with lots of time because you are out of work, find some ways to send encouragement and love to others. We still have electronic means of doing that. Perhaps, we can start posting encouraging words to combat all the doom and gloom that is going on right now.

Find some ways to help others. We are better when we offer help and encouragement rather than succumb to all the bad news. Find some ways to spread some love. It will lift your spirits, and it will remind you of what is good and really important.

Cartoon of a girl and boy. The girl has notes with hearts on them. She says, "I'm trying to spread the love. Sticky notes help me do that."
K! Magazine Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine motivation

Use This Opportunity Well

I really do think that any deep crisis is an opportunity to make your life extraordinary in some way.

Martha Beck

There is no doubt everyone is experiencing some kind of crisis right now.

  • Some people are quarantined in their own homes
  • Others are out of work as they wait to see if these extraordinary measures will work
  • Some have seen their retirement funds evaporate in a stock market roller coaster ride
  • Some have made a run to the store and are wondering what they will do with a six-month supply of toilet paper
  • Some are nervously washing their hands, disinfecting everything and are suspicious of anyone who isn’t doing the same

We have an opportunity through all of this to be an example. This will all blow over eventually. When we come out on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic, will we be proud of the way we showed kindness, consideration and courage? or will we be ashamed of the way we regressed a selfish, fearful shell of ourselves? The younger generations are watching us. Make the most of this opportunity to show the best of humanity.

Cartoon of a boy and a baby. The boy lectures the baby: "You are the next generation. Don't squander your opportunity like my generation!"
Previously published in “K! Kidzmatter Magazine.”
holiday motivation

A Leprechaun Grants a Wish

I have a strange feeling today that all the mess with the COVID-19 virus is because a child caught a leprechaun and the ornery critter found a way to prevent kids from taking any of the spring standardized tests!

It’s going to be a strange Saint Patrick’s day for 2020. All of us will be staying at home. There will be no green dye dumped into the Chicago River… or maybe it will! It sounds like some prankster made at least part of the tradition happen.

Everything seems like a strange leprechaun dream right now. But it will eventually all pass. Let’s keep doing the hard work to keep this virus from spreading faster than it should. Keep washing your hands and practice social distancing. Stay home tonight. It’s the responsible thing to do.

And if by any chance you catch a leprechaun, bypass the pot of gold and see if they can mitigate some of this COVID-19 mess!

Cartoon of a boy and a leprechaun. The boy says, "Why couldn't you and your luck show up during testing day?"

How to Find New Ways to Add Value

When I was a child, there were many stories about UFOs: Unidentified Flying Objects. As I watched TV shows like Star Trek, Lost in Space, and My Favorite Martian, I also heard stories about a flying saucer allegedly being kept at Area 51 in New Mexico, I often wondered how space aliens would find a decent place to park. If all the stories were real, I could have made a killing setting up a parking garage for weary extraterrestrial travelers.

Admittedly, I would have had some challenges getting funding for such a project. But it was a case for finding a perceived need and filling it. Too bad the need was for a group of “people” that are probably not real, or at the very least are quite elusive.

We add value to others when we find a need and fill it. I’ve been thinking a lot about this over the weekend. Our world has some heavy needs as COVID-19 continues to disrupt lives and economies. There will be lots of needs in the coming months. As we wait for this disease to peak and for immunity to grow, what can we do to add value to others? It may not be something we charge others. In fact, there will be times adding value is just doing the neighborly, altruistic thing.

How can we be kind to others and help others who need it right now? Never mind the space aliens. They’ll be fine even if they are having trouble finding a place to park.

Cartoon of a boy and a space alien. The extraterrestrial says, "How much do you charge to park in your back yard?"
Encouragement K! Magazine Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine motivation

The Many Ways We Find Comfort

The last week has been a deluge of Coronavirus craziness. It’s been enough to make a grown man want to suck his thumb. Not that I’ve tried it. At least I didn’t before I washed my hands thoroughly for twenty seconds humming the ABC song so that I properly lathered up and washed away all the nastiness of my extremities!

There are many ways we find comfort during trying times. Here are a few I noticed this week.

We will get through this and come out better for it. In the meantime, we may have several weeks that will test our emotions and resolve. I feel for the parents that have to scramble to find ways to deal with their kids being out of school. And I know what it’s like to be concerned for aging parents since that is the age group that seems most vulnerable.

Acknowledge your feelings and let’s find ways to comfort each other even if we need to do it from a distance. I won’t fault a child or adult if they resort to thumb sucking while we barrel through. After all, a thumb is gluten free.

Cartoon of a little brother and big sister. The boy says, "Why shouldn't I suck my thumb? After all, it's gluten free!"
Published in “K! Kidzmatter Magazine”