Attitude Running

Keep on Running!

Cartoon of a runner shouting, "Just keep running!"
Copyright ©2017 Kevin Spear

This morning, I am going to be running the To Do My Best Half-Marathon in Troy, Ohio. I am looking forward to it because I haven’t run one in well over two years. I know. It’s a sickness. But I gladly embrace my malady.


Post-Christmas Run on a Warm Ohio Day

Since it is the post-Christmas week and most of us are off work, I am sharing a little of my day with a sketch.

This morning, I was thrilled to take a run with just shorts and a long-sleeve shirt. The temperature was in the mid-fifties when I hit the road. It is something rare for an Ohio, late December morning. It is also something I loved to do in Arizona. 


Expect a Little Blister: 8/6/16 Run

This morning, I got to do something I haven’t done in over a year. I got to run seven miles. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for some time. I would like to build up in order to run a marathon by next year.

I jogged Through the City of Greenville Park and Alice Bish Park. There is a nice path along Greenville Creek.

At about five miles, I felt a blister form on the inside sole of my feet. I recalled when I had trained before this happened. It’s not a major blister. It’s just one that will toughen my feet as I begin to increase the miles.