
If You’re Stuck, Get Moving!

It’s Sir Isaac Newton’s Three Laws of Motion in Action. Objects in motion, tend to stay in motion. If you’re feeling stuck with some part of your life, the tendency is to wish things will change without doing anyting to change the situation.

If you’re feeling stuck, get moving!

  • Try something new you haven’t done before
  • Change up your routine
  • Quit something that isn’t working and move on to something else

There are no guarantees that things will automatically change. But there is little chance until you make some sort of change and get moving.


The Urgent and the Essential

This tweet by Henri Nouwen struck me the other day. The work environment can be dominated by the urgent. How many times have you heard, “This job is hot!” from multiple people in the same day?  We are very good at putting a high urgency on jobs, but not very good at tackling the important tasks. We end up stuck in the tyranny of the urgent.

The other day, I had a job that was suddenly hot. I soon found out that there were details missing that were crucial to the success of the job. If I had sent it to the printer without questioning the details, the job would have been done wrong. A rushed job done wrong will be late and will have waste. Urgency can cost us wasted money and time.

The temptation is to jump at the urgent. Take a breath, slow down and ask if this hot job is really important. And if it is, are all the essential details are there to make it a successful job.


Lions, Tigers and Bears!

There are times when we have legitimate fears. It can keep us from making foolish choices like betting all your paycheck on a horse, running in traffic without looking for traffic or speeding in a snowstorm. Foolish choices have repercussions.

There are other times when we make excuses for something we know we should be doing. Our imaginations work overtime while the rest of us are lazy.

The lazy person claims, “There’s a lion on the road! Yes, I’m sure there’s a lion out there!”

Proverbs 26:13 NLT

This morning, I smelled a skunk when I went for my run. I hesitated for a moment, then when I checked, it was obvious its stench was nearby while the lovely creature wasn’t. I could have used that as an excuse not to run the moment I smelled the lovely aroma.

We can watch out for excuses that keep us from our full potential. Yes, life is risky and we need to take proper precautions. But It is also good to take some risks and get out there, even if there’s a chance a lion, tiger bear or skunk may be on your path.


If Life is a Marathon, Why do we Coast?

One of the many lessons I learned from running a marathon is that training matters. If you want to finish the race, blowing off long runs and failing to put the mileage in will cost you pain and the likelihood you won’t finish what you came to do.

If life is a marathon, then why do we coast? Why do we get comfortable and lazy? Keep pushing yourself! Do the work to stay competitive in the race of life.

  • Learn something new every day
  • Keep your eyes open to new opportunities
  • Take some risks that might not work but could pay off generously
    • Do something that requires faith
  • Keep your head in the game
    • Be positive
    • Be encouraging
    • Ask what if to possibilities, not what if to past regrets and mistakes
    • Look at every challenge as an opportunity
    • Embrace change

No one has ever fully arrived until they take their last breath. And if you are a person of faith, like me, the race is only beginning at that point as well.


The Downside of Being a Morning Person

Most days, I can awake and  pop right out of bed on the first alarm. I know it’s annoying. I’ve been told that several times over the years by anyone who has lived under the same roof as me. I figure the snooze button is just delaying the inevitable. It’s not real sleep but a catatonic, zombie-like state between alarms. Besides, there are things to be done!

I’ve worked in creative departments over the years. It seems most creatives take pride in being night owls. That has made me a very annoying creature from 8:00 AM to noon. I thought I could help by being cheerful and enthusiastic. That is, until I read this proverb:

A loud and cheerful greeting early in the morning will be taken as a curse!

Proverbs 27:14 NLT

I still believe I get my best work out and am more productive the moment I first wake up. After all, I have gotten a lot out of Hal Elrod’s book, Miracle Morning.

I agree with the premise that starting the day with intentionality makes a difference. I love to write, have my devotions and exercise before it is time for the work day.

I am still going to get my day started out right. However, I resolve to be less obnoxious about it for the sake of others and for the safety of myself.