
Waiting for Patience

This morning, I get to talk to kids about patience. Everybody loves that topic, right? I mean, who doesn’t love to wait for things that they would like right now? But patience allows us to put off the good for the better.

The lesson is based on the story of Simeon in Luke 2:22–35. This quote sums it up:

Patience is the companion of wisdom.

Saint Augustine on

Patience teaches us to mind our temper. It allows us to make better choices and to invest in the future. Patience is a virtue that pays off in spades.

The kids I will teach on this Sunday morning may have a hard time getting this morning’s lesson. Heaven knows I wasn’t a patient kid. but my prayer for them this morning is if they don’t get it now, this lesson will come to them when they really need it. May it keep them from making a dumb, urgent decision at the expense of a better future.

Bible Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Jonah, the Rebel | Sermon Sketch Notes

Sketch notes based on a sermon by Steve Chiles at Salem Church of God | Jonah 1:1-17

Sermon Copyright 2019 Steve Chiles. Sketches Copyright 2019 Kevin Spear

At least once in our lives, we are running away from something. Jonah was the classic example of someone who knew better. When he ran away from his calling, things went from bad to worse.

This is one of the Bible stories that has caught the attention of people for years. Today, avoidance is hardly an effective technique!

cartoon Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Tame Your Brain Sermon Sketch Notes: Breaking Strongholds

Sermon Sketch notes from February 17, 2019. Notes based on a sermon by Steve Southards on taming your brain.

Sketch notes Copyright © 2019 by Kevin Spear. Sermon Copyright © 2019 Steve Southards

There are lies we believe all the time.

  • We think we’re not good enough
  • We think we’ll be happy once we get something or once someone accepts us
  • We think we are victims of our thoughts and circumstances and nothing will ever change
  • We think we are too young or too old and that it’s useless to try

For me, yesterday’s sermon from my pastor was a good reminder we can get stuck in a lie and deceive ourselves into believing it. You may disagree with me or the faith I claim. And that’s okay. For me, scripture is the cornerstone of my belief.

  • It has allowed me to see the good in others and myself
  • It has shown me my selfishness and where I need to change to love others

The renewal of my mind allows me to

  • Replace anxious thoughts with peace-filled thoughts
  • Replace earthly concerns with eternal concerns
  • Acknowledge reality while seeing the glass half-full versus half empty

May you have a blessed day today!

I recorded these notes at Salem Church of God, Clayton, Ohio.

Sermon Notes Sketch notes The Gospels

Sermon Sketch Notes: Restored Over Rejected

Here are sermon notes I took on Sunday, February 10, 2019.

Sketch notes of a sermon based on John 8:1-11
Notes Copyright © 2019 Kevin Spear. Based on a sermon copyright © 2019 by Steve Southards

When I was a teen, I thought I was the only one who felt rejected. I had the classic Charlie Brown Syndrome. Maybe that’s why I loved reading Peanuts so much.

But not that I am older, I’ve learned almost everyone has felt rejected at times. We’ve all had past experiences, internal wounds, bad habits and external voices that make us feel inadequate from time to time.

I am glad I have learned there is restoration. We can be restored to a new and bright future. We can be restored from our past, through our pain and begin to takes some steps forward.

Thanks to Pastor Steve Southards at Salem Church of God, for an inspiring message!

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The Christmas Story in a Speed Drawing

This year, I had the chance to illustrate the Christmas story for a family party. I narrated the story from Luke 2 and Matthew 2 in the Bible. 

May you have a merry Christmas!