
How to Be Authentic Without Whining

We all go through stuff. We all struggle once in a while. When we do, the temptation is to put on the facade and smile. We say we’re fine when we feel like we’re dying inside. We don’t want to burden people with our problems.

As a result, we may project this image of being a super person when we struggle just like everyone else. Then when someone else has a problem, they feel they can’t come to us because we appear too perfect.

Yet no one wants to stay in the struggle, right? No one wants to announce to the world they are a hot mess. What is the right balance?

Be authentic with your weaknesses and diligent in your training.

Be Authentic

It’s okay to admit you struggle with something. Every one of us has a weakness. Each one of us is in the process of improving. It’s okay to admit you don’t have it all together. We are all human. It’s okay to admit that is the case.

Train Diligently

Keep training. Just because you’ve had a setback doesn’t mean it’s hopeless. Press on! Give yourself some grace and get back into the training. When you admit you struggle, you give yourself the grace to strive forward.

After all, if you’ve already arrived and are already perfect, what’s left? Be honest with others, and diligent with training. You’ll get there!

Attitude motivation

The Easiest Way to Be a Blessing

Actually, it’s simple. It may not be easy at first. There have been times when I knew better and didn’t follow this simple way to bless others. Just yesterday, my wife had to call it to my attention that I wasn’t following this simple verse.

When I have followed it, things ran much smoother. When I haven’t it has made bad problems worse. It’s this:

Do everything without grumbling or arguing

Philippians 2:14 NIV

It’s counter-cultural no matter what culture you are a part of. We are wired, after all, to find problems. We are inclined to find issues to complain about. And it doesn’t take much to find someone who is willing to argue with you.

However, if you follow this verse, you can bless yourself as well as everyone you come in contact with today. Some days it may be hard. But it is always worth it.


Do You Do What the Song Says?

A few weeks ago, I was in church singing with the congregation. One song had the lyrics, “We lift our hands in praise.” So I did it. My eyes were closed at the time because, well, that’s what I sometimes do when I get into the music. When I opened them, I was surprised there were just a few others doing what the song says. Scandalous!Cartoon of two men in church. One has his hands lifted. The other says, "Do you mean when the song says, 'We lift our hands in praise,' you actually do it?"

This morning, I am probably in church doing the same thing. A few decades ago, I may have been self-conscious about it. Maybe I still am and that’s why my eyes are closed. Regardless, if I am going to sing a praise and worship song, I’m going to do what it says. If I don’t what’s the point?

I drew this cartoon for the September 2019 Church of God Newsletter.


20 Myths About Appearance

While it’s true beauty is only skin deep, we obsess about our appearance every day. I am coming at this from the perspective of a male. That’s the perspective I have been given, and I’m afraid I can trade it in for a newer, better model.Cartoon of guy with a bird on his head

I have observed there are at least twenty myths we have about our appearance.

Attitude Book Reviews

Is the Obstacle the Way?

Before I read The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday, I thought of obstacles as something to overcome. I imagined life as an obstacle course. When I’ve watched, American Ninja Warrior, I pictured all the challenges along the course as situations in life. They were something that got in the way and must be overcome.

Ryan Holiday’s book challenged me to look at obstacles in a different way. Stoicism is a philosophy I heard about when training for a marathon. When I got the chance to read it, the book made me ponder so many questions.

  • What if, instead of looking at obstacles as the enemy, they were your friend?
  • What if an obstacles is just what you need to achieve your goals?
  • What if how you viewed an obstacle was more important than figuring out how to eliminate it?

Life is full of struggles and hardships. This book made me realize that it is not foolishness when people willingly take on a project that will have obstacles. Small businesses would never start if that was the case. Missions to help others would never launch. I am thankful for a new perspective on challenges and obstacles. Yes, they can be the way to success.