
Digital vs. Analog Journaling

via The Argument for a Digital Diary

Carolyn Nicole had a nice post on why a digital journal has its advantages over a traditional paper journal.

I liked her point that a digital journal is always with you. For me, that also means I can search and read a digital entry whether at work, home or on the road. I love my paper journals, but also love combining the two.

Day One is my go to app for journaling. By all means, give it a try and see what you think about digital journaling.

cartoon seasons

Fair Weather, Frigid Friends

Cartoon of a boy and snowman. The boy says, "I am realizing you're the kind of friend that is here today, and gone tomorrow."Friendship is a complicated thing, especially when your friend is only around for a season. It can be hard when snowbird of a friend flies to Florida or Arizona. I have found myself in a role-reversal since my kids live in those states.

But distance shouldn’t separate friends like it once did, right? Technology and air travel makes it possible to bridge the gap that once seemed like a bottomless chasm. We can still have close friends that have moved far away. It’s also a good thing for our friends who enjoy the sub-zero temperatures like Mister Snowman.

Whether your friend is warm and bubbly, or cold and frigid, perhaps today is a good day to reach out and give them a call or text today.

cartoon children cartoons Christmas holiday

Naughty, Nice or Gross?

Cartoon of a boy and girl. The boy asks, "I can't be naughty during Christmas? What about gross? Can I be that?"
When people talk about doing something they know is wrong, they frequently describe it as feeling dirty and want to get clean. Boys, on the other hand, love to play in the mud. They jump at the chance to get messy and gross. If they can get Mom, a sister, or a friend that is a girl to be repulsed by their condition, so much the better!

This Christmas, maybe the best gift would be to let a boy get messy without getting on Santa’s naughty list. There has to be a place in the garage or in the basement you can spread out some paper and let the kids get a little creative and messy this holiday season. Just watch out for glitter. Once that is out of the container, that stuff shows up everywhere!

cartoon Christmas holiday The Gospels

Manger Recall

Cartoon of two boys at a manger scene. One says, "Good thing Caesar Augustus didn't order a safety recall on mangers."That first Christmas was not a safe Christmas. A stable would have been a nightmare for a first time, germaphobe mother. A manger was not a safe alternative to a crib. Who knows what critters were scurrying around at night?

Maybe Christmas is not supposed to be safe. Most amazing events never are. There’s some risk involved. That said, safety recalls are still a good idea!

I drew this cartoon for Church of God Ministries, Anderson, Indiana

cartoon Christmas holiday

A Viral Christmas

Cartoon of a sick couple. One says, “This is the last year that for Christmas, we’re giving each other the flu!”There are some things that are just not nice to give. The flu, bronchitis, and a host of icky, sticky viruses and bacteria are way too giving They will find you, greet you and put you out of commission for several days.

Here’s to hoping your holidays will be virus free!