Book Review growth

Genius and goal setting

Quote: "Genius is the ability to clearly visualize the objective." Dan Miller

I am reading, 48 Days to the Work You LoveThe above quote was in his chapter on change. It reminded me of Albert Einstein’s quotes on the importance of imagination

It takes a massive amount of imagination and faith to visualize the future. With imagination, we can see what has yet to be developed. With faith, we can pursue something others can not.

When President Kennedy said the United States would put a man on the moon by the end of the nineteen-sixties, it was technically impossible. Yet it was a vision the country embraced and did. It took courage, faith and a little vision casting.

Dan Miller’s quote just change my definition of genius.

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How do you keep change relevant?

Cartoon of two men staring a a church steeple with a windmill attached. One says, "It may be more 'green,' but I prefer the older steeple."
Copyright 2017 Kidzmatter Magazine

Often, churches and church people get a reputation for being resistant to change. “Worship Wars” continue as those who love traditional hymns duke it out with lovers of contemporary styles of worship. Changing an old chair in the lobby can be controversial if it was dedicated in memory of a dearly departed saint during the Eisenhower Administration. Adding a little fresh paint and new carpet to a classroom can cause consternation along with a little weeping and gnashing of teeth.

church cartoons Marketing

Children’s Ministry and Church Signs

Church sign that says, "New Playground! Kids Welcomed!"My wife and I saw a sign like this as we drove by a country church. Since she is in children’s ministry, it caught our eye. While we were glad the church was making an effort to attract kids, we agreed a new playground just wouldn’t cut it.


Commodities, Pricing and Marketing

Cartoon of a stick man. He says to another man, "Sometimes I feel like a commodity."As I drive down Indiana and Ohio highways, I see acres of corn and soybeans. All the farmers are doing their best to get the most productivity out of their fields. They all strive to be the most productive and deliver a consistent product for the same price. It works for commodities. Corn, soybeans, pork, beef, crude oil, steel are all commodities that require consistent quality, sent to market in the most efficient way. There isn’t much negotiation on price. The only way to make more money is to take advantage of economies of scale.


The Cure For Message Fatigue

person holding smartphone white sitting
Photo by George Dolgikh @ on

At one time, you could put your ad in the phone book yellow pages and not think about it for a year. It just worked for you. A newspaper ad could last just as long. Then radio came along and you could blast the same message multiple times a day. Television made it even easier, but at least there were only three channels… until there was cable… and then the Internet.