
Lessons From Marathon Day

Cartoon of a jogging coupleThe marathon is over. I completed the goal, which was to finish. The weather was cool until about two hours into the race. The sun began affecting all of us. For a time, I wondered if I was going to make it. My hamstring started bothering me around mile seventeen. Around mile twenty-three, I had to stop and a nice security guard helped me stretch it out. After that, I walked most of the way until I was within sight of the finish line.

There are a few lessons I’ve learned from this race:


Thoughts on the Day Before My First Marathon

The months of preparation are behind me. I’ve tapered off my practice so my body is ready (hopefully) for tomorrow. There is nothing left to do now but judiciously load up on carbs tonight and arrive at the race, on time, tomorrow. Then the real fun begins!

Here are some thoughts as I look forward to my first marathon.

Marketing Running

Two Days Until my First Marathon: responding and planning

Cat in a car, staring at the viewer. The caption says, "2 days until the marathon. Let's go!I went out for my last run before the marathon this morning. And who was there to greet me? Our cat got herself stuck in the car. As she stared at me, I imagined her trying to get in the car on the morning of the race. It’s going to be an early morning, and she will probably be the only person up beside me. She may be up for the trip, but I doubt I could have her go the whole 26.2.

After I let her out and I went on my run, I pondered how social media marketing requires two very different modes of behavior. Sometimes, you have to be like a cat. Other times, you need to plan like a long distance runner.

Marketing Running

3 Days Until My First Marathon: Marketing and Marathons

Cartoon of a runner on a hoverboard. He says, “What do you mean, ‘No hoverboards in the marathon?’”

In three days, I will run my first marathon on September 16, 2017. In the spring, I ran a half marathon and decided my body was up to the task of a full one. After all, I am not getting any younger and I thought it was better to try now instead of waiting until I would have to use a scooter or hoverboard.

As I have trained for this marathon, I have thought about how it applies to marketing. Both can be taxing and both take preparation. But there was one aspect that stood out to me.


3 Myths About Starting a Company in the Midwest

Lucas Oil Stadium Exterior, Indianapolis

Source: 3 Myths About Starting a Company in the Midwest

This article proclaimed what Hoosiers and Buckeyes have known for quite some time. The Midwest is a great place to run and thrive in business.

While it’s true we don’t have the high office lease prices of the left and right coast, and we don’t have twenty-four-hour sushi bars, We do have quite a bit of business going on among amber waves of grain.

Most of my experience with the area has been in the Indianapolis area, but I am learning quite a bit about Dayton, Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio these days. 

Indianapolis has become a tech powerhouse thanks, in part, to Salesforce. Dayton has seen great growth in medicine and tech startup industries. In all these cities, I’ve witnessed hardworking, innovative leaders that are taking the best of technology and making their businesses sing. Truly, the Midwest, especially around Indiana and Ohio, is a great place to start a business.