
Honeymoon Thwarted

Cartoon of two hotel doors. One reads, "Honeymoon Suite." The other says, "Young Baby With Colicky Baby Suite."
Cartoon of two hotel doors. One reads, “Honeymoon Suite.” The other says, “Young Baby With Colicky Baby Suite.”


Naughty or Gross

Cartoon of a boy and girl. The boy asks, "I can't be naughty during Christmas? What about gross? Can I be that?"
Cartoon of a boy and girl. The boy asks, “I can’t be naughty during Christmas? What about gross? Can I be that?”


Shopping Sense

Cartoon of a man with gifts and a woman. The woman says, “I can feel it in my bones. There’s another fabulous sale going on in this mall! And it’€™s… THAT WAY!”


Turkey Trot

Cartoon of a turkey dancing on a table while a family looks on. The caption says, "This was one Thanksgiving the whole family would remember!"

Cartoon of a turkey dancing on a table while a family looks on. The caption says, “This was one Thanksgiving the whole family would remember!”


The Frog and the Wife

Cartoon of two frogs. One says, "Then just before the princess kisses me and turns me into a prince, my wife shows up!"
Cartoon of two frogs. One says, “Then just before the princess kisses me and turns me into a prince, my wife shows up!”