Many of us are challenged to find significance in a new environment. When I first posted this cartoon, social media was beginning to make a huge impact. It was a time before the term, “Influencer.” Today, social media continues to grow as we work from home and are keeping in touch electronically. You may ask yourself, “Can I really feel significant if my main interaction with people is online?” According to this New York Times article, We are searching for meaning during this time.
When I posted this on Flickr eleven years ago, I had a comment from a reader that simply said, “Ouchie.” It may have stung because an online-only significance may feel shallow and insubstantial. We are still humans that need to interact with other humans. As we continue to shelter in place for at least another couple of weeks, consider the following:
- We will get back together with others soon. While it feels like we have been in lockdown forever, this too shall pass
- Computers and the Internet are still a tool. It’s not the tool, nor is it the only tool we can use to interact
- Finding a need to fill and helping someone with that need is still very effective offline
- When interacting with someone online, consider if you would say what you are about to say in the same manner if you were face-to-face
- Consider if making a phone call, or writing a letter is a better way to keep in touch with a friend or relative
I am thankful for the technology that allows us to keep in touch in so many ways. But there are so many ways to be significant and to make a positive difference in someone’s life.