Business Cartoons cartoon Christmas holiday

Saint Nick and Noncompetes

Cartoon of a stern businessman and Santa Claus. The man says, “I saw you at another mall, Santa. What about our noncompete agreement?”

Santa has a tough time in the retail world. He gives toys away, he cares about good behavior, he works at all the malls without concern for competition,  and his distribution system is superb to Amazon’s. Keep it up, Santa. We love you just the way you are!

Career Christmas holiday

Black Friday Pilgrim Style!

Cartoon of a shopping couple. The man says, "This isn't the kind of pilgrimage they had in mind in 1621."

If you were Black Friday shopping today, my hat goes off to you! Me? I’m hunkering down and waiting for the crowds to subside before I do some Christmas shopping. December 23 at 11:55 PM  sounds like a good time to start!


Post-Christmas Run on a Warm Ohio Day

Since it is the post-Christmas week and most of us are off work, I am sharing a little of my day with a sketch.

This morning, I was thrilled to take a run with just shorts and a long-sleeve shirt. The temperature was in the mid-fifties when I hit the road. It is something rare for an Ohio, late December morning. It is also something I loved to do in Arizona. 

Christmas Coloring Page holiday

Reindeer and Snowman Coloring page | Merry Christmas!

Thumbnail of coloring page: reindeer looking at snowman in a sleighMerry Christmas! Here is a coloring page for you and the kids. Click on the image and you can download a PDF of these two little guys.

Either Santa had to take some time off this year or he needed a little extra help. I picture snowmen as frigid scarecrows, like in the Wizard of Oz. They are always ready to help, and they would be more effective if they only had a brain!

Christmas holiday Sketch notes

How to Keep Your Cat Out of the Christmas Tree

One Christmas, we had a tree disaster. Thanks to a new kitten, our tree made Charlie Brown‘s puny specimen look like the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center