
Is Dignity Overrated?

Both, my high school and the university I attended have birds for mascots; The Blackhawks, and The Ravens. There were times when I thought it would have been neat to be the person behind the mascot. Then again, being a big bird would have been challenging for anyone’s dignity. Sesame Street’s Big Bird probably didn’t help in the dignity area.

Dignity insurance would be a great thing to have. I could have used that a few times in my life. It probably would have come in handy just the other day. However, I’ve noticed dignity can get in the way of doing something worthwhile and fun. Dignity and pride can keep us from valuing ourselves and our fragile egos over others.

Don’t worry too much about your dignity. Focus more on doing something of value for others and being humane and considerate. Dignity is overrated if it keeps you from doing just that.

Cartoon of a boy in an eagle costume. He says to a girl, "I agreed to be the school mascot if they would pay for my dignity insurance."

More Hope for Fools Than the Conceited

In 1980, Mac Davis had a hit with the song, It’s Hard to be Humble. Whenever I heard it, I thought it was hilarious because it seemed the singer had no clue how off putting it is to be so conceited. One verse particularly stood out to me:

Well, I could have lotsa friends if I wanted,
But then I wouldn’t stand out from the crowd.

Hard to be Humble lyrics at

When I heard that, I would think that this poor guy didn’t have a clue. Conceit has a way of blinding the conceited person and making them a pariah. A conceited fool is someone to be pitied.

Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.

Proverbs 26:12 (KJV)
Cartoon: Pride and Humility

Whenever a person, company or organization has success, they can fall into the conceit trap. Employees working for conceited companies can become conceited themselves. Have you ever tried to call customer service at a company that is a monopoly? Lily Tomlin had a skit where she was Ernestine, the Telephone Operator. It’s a take on two monopolies that had lost touch with customer service. I thought of that skit when “The Phone Company” was going through a court-ordered break up in the 1980s. I thought of it when Kodak imploded because thought they invented the digital camera, they were too conceited to sell it until it was too late. I thought of it when General Motors went through bankruptcy.

Conceit blinds us all. It turns successful people and companies into irrelevant dinosaurs. It blocks us from finding solutions to challenges. It makes us even more risk-averse because who wants to try something new and risk failure when they’ve been so successful in the past? It turns formerly productive people into lazy slugs.

Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble! But find a way to do it anyway. We must place ourselves in situations that require humility if we want to spare ourselves from becoming a conceited, irrelevant bore.

motivation Proverbs

Broken Beyond Repair

Whoever stubbornly refuses to accept criticism will suddenly be destroyed beyond recovery.

Proverbs 29:1 NLT

Criticism can sometimes hurt. It’s especially painful when our pride gets in the way and we feel we don’t deserve the rebuke.

Criticism can also be wrong. The talent manager of the Grand Ole Opry fired Elvis Presley after he bombed on stage and said Elvis should go back to driving a truck!

Cartoon of one woman saying to another, "Sure we're all broken people, but Frank is just cracked!"

Yet, there is truth in today’s proverb. While criticism can hurt, it can also be an opportunity for growth. The challenge is to glean truth from a barbed comment and learn what you can from it. Elvis learned from that experience the audience of the 1954 Grand Old Opry wasn’t his audience, but he soon found his base. If he was determined to go back to the Opry and focus on it, we may have never heard of Mr. Presley.

If we do anything of value, we will face critics. Decide today how you can learn from it without allowing it to get you down.


Conflicting Pride

I had just been laid off. I was seeking advice and some reassurance. So I contacted a local, successful artist to meet with him. 

I have always loved the cartoon style. This successful illustrator came from that background, but his style evolved to a more realistic approach. He gave me advice on observation and how to make my artwork look better. I was shocked and angry. Here I had just come from a great job as a book designer at a succesful company. Didn’t he know I was successful too? (keep in mind the company was struggling enough to lay me off. How successful was that?) My pride got in the way and I wasn’t taking any of this! I thanked him and left. But on the inside, I was fuming!

Pride leads to conflict; those who take advice are wise.

Proverbs 13:10

I missed out on a good opportunity and a potential friendship that day because of my fragile pride. It was rather foolish. I’d like to say pride is never an issue anymore. But no, pride can creep in at any time. We are surrounded by it, and our human nature tends to gravitate towards it.

I resolve to listen more before being ready for an argument. I resolve to seek other opinions that aren’t necessarily like mine. Let’s reach out to others that may have advice that runs counter to our opinions.

pride Religion Cartoons

Whiteboard Presentation: Pride and Humility

White board drawing of a prideful person and a humble person
Copyright 2017 Kevin Spear

This morning, I got to illustrate a talk my wife was presenting to an elementary chapel on pride and humility. She did a great job talking about King Nebuchadnezzar and his fall due to pride.