Business Cartoons

Why Are Women Less Likely To Become Entrepreneurs Than Men? : NPR

Businessman to two businesswomen, "That was a spectacular fail! Let's do it again!"I heard this spot from NPR yesterday on why men are more likely to be entrepreneurs than men.

Analysis finds women are less likely to be arrogant about mistakes and more likely to be humble about their achievements. Men are more likely to disregard market signals that their ideas are flawed.

Source: Why Are Women Less Likely To Become Entrepreneurs Than Men? : NPR

This surprised me. The conclusion seemed to say guys who are too arrogant to realize they made a mistake are the entrepreneurs that are most likely to succeed.

children cartoons

Cartoon: Stuck-up Snowman

Cartoon of two girls and a snowman

Cartoon of two girls walking away from a snowman. One says, “I can’t believe he’s giving me the cold shoulder!”

Those snowmen can be stuck-up, or can they? Maybe they’re a little introverted. Come on, girls! Give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he’s imagining a day on the beach, or perhaps he’s trying to figure out how to survive spring. At any rate, you won’t realize how much you miss him until he’s gone in March.



Pride comes before a fall

Cartoon of a boy who is about to fall into a manhole. Another boy says, "I'm sorry you were proud. Just stop!"

Pride has a way of putting us in our place. So many times, I wanted to look good and not play the fool. Unfortunately, my pride was the thing that made me look like a fool.

Whenever I’ve looked down on someone, it has inevitably caused me to fall. Whenever I see a pundit or politician pumping himself up while tearing another person down, I get out of the way. Sooner or later, that guy is going to fall!

Adobe Illustrator Bible cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Proverbs Safety Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Falling Pride

Cartoon of boy with bike helmetCartoon of boy with a bike helmet. He says to another boy, “Since pride comes before a fall, I’m wearing a helmet.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon pride single panel cartoon webcomic

Esteem Issues

Cartoon of boy and Dad

Cartoon of boy and dad. The boy says, “I’m having esteem issues. I don’t think enough people hold me in high esteem.”