Adobe Illustrator cartoon Christmas Easter gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon

When Holidays Collide

Cartoon of the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. The Easter Bunny says, “I had a surplus last year. Could you make a few Easter eggs into stocking stuffers?”

I used to wonder if the holiday characters had formed alliances. This would have been a good thing if I didn’t get what I wanted for Christmas, and the Easter bunny would take over Santa’s list in the spring.

Alas, neither Santa Claus nor the Easter Bunny ever brought me that nuclear powered jet pack. How was I supposed to rocket around Sheridan Indiana without a jet pack? I was doomed to take the school bus just like everyone else.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon love relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Cold as Ice

Cartoon of a marriage counselor, snowman and woman. The snowman says, “Look! I’m willing to compromise, but I just can’t vacation in Florida!”

This dedicated to my snow bunny who would love nothing more than to vacation all winter in Florida. Happy anniversary, Honey. Here’s to many more walks on the beach with you.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon Christmas gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Travel Restrictions

Cartoon of Joseph and the Magi. One wise man says, “Sorry we’re late. Magi have the worst time getting through airport security.”

If United States citizens think going through airport security here is tough, I can just imagine what Roman security would have been like. I’m still glad I live in this century.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon church cartoons gag cartoon Music single panel cartoon webcomic

Smelly Music

Cartoon of two choir members. One says, “We have to do something about these old, smelly choir robes. No matter how many times I wash mine, my dog still wants to roll around on it.”

Adobe Illustrator Business Cartoons cartoon Christmas gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Caroling for Bonuses

Cartoon of a group of Christmas carolers. They’re singing, “€œDeck the Halls With fiscal Slowness, fa-la-la-la-la-a-a, La-la-la-la! Please give us our Year End Bonus…”

I originally drew this a dozen years ago during another economic slow-down. These things happen in cycles.