Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Let Your Fingers Do the Painting

Cartoon of two boys. One has a mobile phone while another holds a finger painting

Cartoon of two boys. One has a mobile phone while another holds a finger painting. The boy with the phone says, “That’s a great finger painting. I’m uploading it to Twitter!”

cartoon children cartoons children's ministry cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Code Red!

Cartoon of check-in person, a mom and student

Cartoon of check-in person, mom and student. The check-in person says, “Let me see if Billy is in our database…Oh my! He’s a Code Red!”

Adobe Illustrator

Not on Your Own

Not on Your Own
Originally uploaded by speartoons

This is an illustration I am using to introduce a game Sunday morning.

The game is called, "Not on Your Own." It is part of the Sunday school curriculum for "Living Inside Out." It is part of their Rescue 911 session. In this game, kids are encouraged to try to fit within a shape that is masked out on the floor.

The first time they attempt it, the kids are encouraged NOT to help each other. The second time, the kids are told they can help each other.

The lesson is there are some things we can’t do on our own.

I’ll be giving the lesson tomorrow at Madison Park Church of God in Anderson, Indiana. I lead the large group worship time for the elementary age kids.

Illustration Friday

Trick or Treat or Trunk N Treat

A few weeks ago, I drew an illustration for a church event. If you live near Anderson, Indiana, and you are looking for a safe place to trick-or-treat, our church will have a Trunk n Treat this Wednesday night. It will be at Madison Park Church of God.

This was one of those few times where I didn’t start with a sketch in my book. When I thought of a trunk filled with candy, I wondered what it would look like if one had a giant jack -o- lantern.

I drew the original rough in Photoshop. I use a 8″X 6″Wacom Intuos 3 Tablet. Here was the first rough.I made this layers transparent and polished up the sketch.

Next, I hid the gray, rough layer and opened the finished drawing in Adobe Illustrator. I used Live Trace to convert the Photoshop file into an Illustrator Vector file. Then I used Live Paint to color the illustration.

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Post Vacation Stress

Cartoon of a boy and girl
Caption reads: ā€œIā€™m suffering from PVSD: Post Vacation Stress Disorder.ā€

Whew! I’m not looking forward to waking the kids this morning. The well-oiled machine will squeaky this morning. It was hard enough getting everyone to bed last night. Our biological clocks think it is still vacation. Oh, Florida! How we miss ye!

It was a great time for the family. Now back to reality!