
Dignity is overrated

When we are young, we don’t care what people think of us. We are willing to try new things because we are learning so much about the world.

Somewhere between fourth and fifth grade, our dignity gene kicks in. We start worrying what others think of us. We look over our shoulder and assess whether the next activity is cool or if it will make us look like fools.

The problem with this is that we have to be willing to feel foolish to try new things. Dignity is overrated if it causes you to do the same old thing. It is better to try, fail, learn and try again than to stay in the same old rut doing the same old things.


Just because you receive my tweets doesn’t mean we’re communicating.

Social media has change the way we communicate. We don’t consider when we post something, it is really one way communication. We don’t consider that we have become our own media outlet, much like a newspaper or TV news show. We are all broadcasters now.

But broadcasters are not the same as communicators. True communication is two-way. We speak and listen.

Blogging, tweeting and Facebook posts are fine. But we need to remember true communication is a different entity.


Leadership and Responsibility

Sketch of a king holding a sign that says, “Not Responsible for any of Your Problems.”

It’s fun to be in charge. Everyone loves the perks that come with leadership. But with each leadership position, there comes responsibility.

A king that that loves to rule, but takes responsibility for nothing makes for a lousy ruler.

If you want to be in charge, What responsibilities are you willing to take on? The larger the role, the more you will be accountable for.

Charisma and seniority only takes a leader so far.


Manufactured Fear

Cartoon of a scared cat and a dog. The dog says, “You wouldn’t be such a scaredy cat if you stopped watching cable news.”

What you feed your mind will affect your output. The news cycle can be scary. Cable news has only made it worse.

It’s true we need to be informed to some degree. But a little goes a long way. If you feel the news is making you anxious or sad. Consider giving yourself a break. Continuous coverage of the latest tragedy can overwhelm anyone.

Attitude writing

Just Start, For Crying Out Loud!

We’re all scared to do something. The fear of starting is often more terrifying than the action we dread. We spend too much time fretting whether we can do it right than actually doing the work.