It’s a foggy Christmas Eve morning in Ohio. Somebody better get Rudolph ready just in case Santa needs to make a last-minute stop at the Waffle House.

I sure hope you sent your letter to Santa before the fog set in. because time is running out! Wait a minute… do kids send text messages or email to Santa now? I guess that would buy a little more time. Who knows how long it takes to get a letter up there, or the cost of overnighting it!

How we get a message across is important. Sometimes, it can be easy to speak a request.
- Santa, I want a pony.
- Honey, please clean up this mess.
- Please don’t bring your fruitcake.
Other messages are much more subtle and leave room for interpretation.
- Mom, how much does a pony eat?
- Wow! Look at this mess!
- Are you bringing fruitcake again?
The second set of statements is much less clear. Family Christmas gatherings can be filled with nuanced conversations and foggy statements. I will resolve to make my point clear if I am wanting a specific outcome.
By the way, Mom and Dad, I don’t want a pony for Christmas anymore. If you get me one, it would only end up at your house.